What Have Fourteen Years of Conservative Rule Done to Britain?

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You'll miss them when Labour are in power.

Here's Starmer defining working class

What will I miss exactly about this Conservstive govt?

By the way, Keir Starmer struggling to answer a trick question, has zero bearing on how Labour will do in power….but you know that.

ps can you define working class
You'll miss them when Labour are in power.

Here's Starmer defining working class

This is why the Torys have been in for so long. Because the opposition are idiots.

I give up., I've no idea who to vote for.
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Have you ever lived in a society with a declining population AND an increasing proportion of old people? It's bad news on numerous levels.

Yes, this one
Declining innovation, less risk taking, more fearfulness, less productivity, declining wealth... and more besides.
This accurately describes post Brexhit Britain
We are already suffering with these stifling trends. At some points in history it will mean being vulnerable to invasion by foreign oppressors.
The Foreign oppressors are russsia and chyna, we have already laid the ground for domination by them with brexhit and winding down industry and our armed forces. May was going to let them control our planned nicear power stations. You can't beat market forces eh?
Either the natives have more children or you get the above.

How many children you have is a fundamental freedom, you are describing a far right or far left autocracy.
The third way is to plug the gap with massive numbers of culturally unsuitable, low skill, low IQ, low wage foreigners who will, naturally, result in the balkanisation of society and all other sorts of problems.

Nobody's perfect, but IMO east europeans are hard working, and that is a good quality in an economic migrant. Even the most evangelical no deal leavers recognised the economic need to give indefinite leave to remain to 2 or 3 million east europeans.
*not criticising immigrants per se by the way. Some are wealthy, some are skilled, some will make a positive contribution in net terms. And even the low skill and low wage ones will often be decent enough people who mean no harm.
The elderly I know who went into and died in care homes got some of the best care from African Indian and European care workers.
However, people gravitate towards those who are like them and separate communities and ultimately, nations, are created. The end product is division and conflict.
Welcome to the British class system. What's different. England through its language immigration and culture is a kaleidoscope, always has been
And that's before we even consider the substantial numbers who are aggressive negatives since our useless elites don't know how to be selective.

Aggressive negatives sounds like a form of selection. Our useless elites are dominated by hard right brexxers if you hadn't noticed, Largely motivated by political or financial power.
So... which one do you want? The Peter Pan option or growing a pair and taking responsibility?

I want a left of centre government that doesn't think social justice and a thriving economy are mutually exclusive
That ain't alt right propaganda, it is age old wisdom.
Wisdom was replaced by self interest a long time ago in this country
It's all in the history books.
I don't want a return of the empire
Seems a Tory has sent intimate photo's of himself out on a dating site and was then blackmailed to provide other MP's phone numbers. His it seems was male to male but others get messages from both sexes just in case.

Tory comments so far. Sound chap and he has apologised. He's a senior back bencher. Usually means on his way up.

However C4 found an underling who has never had anything what so ever to do with the MP who has received these messages.

:) A data mining date app maybe? Are many using it? Data mining is a possibility. One technique is to get hold of someone's entire address book and recent calls, visits etc.
You have identified many issues about which you are not content. What would your policy prescription be for solving these?

Some ideas that would help:

- There are currently 9 million people who are effectively unemployed but who are classified as "disabled" or whatever to make the unemployment stats look better. This is disgusting. It is bad for those people, bad for society, and bad for the public purse. I would dramatically cut the number who are eligible for such benefits and they would be forced to work. They can do the jobs immigrants are doing - if they don't or they're crap at it, they will starve. This will encourage them to be better people.

- This will dramatically reduce the need for low wage immigrants, and I would impose a moratorium on all immigration for at least the next five years. I would remove all illegals - no more tax payer funded hotels and free money. I would also stop propping up so many third rate universities by allowing in large numbers of foreign students who then bring their families and suck on our services without having paid in. The whole thing is a scam and needs to be sorted out. If crap unis go bust, that's fine by me.

- I would slash the civil service by at least 50%. Abolish all government quangos.

- Abolish the Equalities Act and the Climate Change Act. Probably delete most legislation introduced since 1997. Most of it has been an unnecessary burden and done more harm than good.

- Dramatically reduce the number of people who go to university. Too many youngsters are wasting their time and money, and tax payer money, doing stupid courses and being indoctrinated with left wing filth. More people will be encouraged to take up trades, which we have a serious shortage of.

- No more mindless, woke mincers or diversity hires in government or in general. ESG and DEI abolished. All future recruitment must be based 100% on merit.

- Slash the international aid budget and stop funding "charities" of all description. Migrant charities, gay charities, cycling charities, environmental charities - no more public money and some will be banned because they are treasonous and harmful to the national interest.

- Deport all foreign criminals and trouble makers. No ifs, no buts. If they won't provide the required information about their origins they will be stuck on old ships in the North Sea and left there.

- Reintroduce the treason laws and the death penalty. Build new prisons. Execute paedos, rapists, murderers, drug dealers, and national traitors.

- Cancel net zero. Encourage fracking and fossil fuel extraction to improve our balance of payments and bring down the national debt.

- Ban the Bank of England from printing money.

- Balanced budgets will be a legal requirement. Government will not be permitted to increase the national debt to pay for anything.

- Encourage innovation and productivity - the removal of burdensome legislation will help, as will tax cuts.

- Make it easier for industry to grow here again and strongly encourage maths, physics, chemistry and engineering in the education system as well as STEM. We have been a great industrial power in the recent past and that can be recaptured, as well as being a very strong services economy.

- Abolish the Scottish and Welsh devolved administrations, along with the Greater London Authority.

- Treat eco protestors as terrorists and shoot them if they block roads of damage works of art or cause other interruption.

- Make it easier for young people to have families and encourage them to do so. Funding will encourage British natives and patriots to do so (could include the children of immigrants if they prove their loyalty to this country). Moaners, losers, ungrateful types will not be eligible.

- All inhabitants of these lands will be expected to integrate and adopt British values. Anybody who is unwilling to do so will be defunded and encouraged to leave.

- Break up the NHS. Adopt a new model based on the best from elsewhere. Probably look to Australia or Germany for inspiration. Not the US.

- Sack all senior management in the police force, military and civil service and imprison any that have overseen failure that has been damaging to the national interest. Home Office managers likely to receive long prison sentences.

- Sack 95% of the BBC staff and return it to being a cheapo public broadcast alternative to what the private sector offers. Budget will be 5% of existing. Possibly just absolish it.

- Overhaul education, removing all screaming woke nonsense, environmental extremism, and BS. Improve thinking skills, literacy, maths and science skills. History must be taught so that it is favourable to this country, as it should be. Encourage personal responsibility and self reliance, along with developing a thicker skin. No more snow flake culture, safe spaces, etc.

- Ban trans surgery for the under 18s and withdraw all public funding for it regardless of age.

- Get our confidence back. Stop caring what others will supposedly think. Do things our way and do it well.

- Enshrine freedom of speech into a new Bill of Rights.

- Withdraw from damaging and expensive international treaties and reduce the influence of other countries in our national affairs, including the US where a lot of stupid ideas have been coming from.

- Probably have more referendums in the long run to reduce the power of politicians and lobbyists.

- Probably need to dissolve Parliament for a while as it is totally broken. We may need some kind of benign dictatorship for a while to achieve all of this.

Obviously not going to happen! So we are probably screwed. We have been in decline since around 1900 so where we are now is just further down the toilet from the high point of the 1890s. If the above happened it would be painful for a while but we would come out the other side much leaner and stronger.
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Would you say you are fairly right wing?

That's a good question.

If you consider those policy ideas I just posted, they would be considered perfectly normal in most of the world today and definitely in the past. In fact, I suspect a small majority of people in this country, today, would agree with most of them. They are, unfortunately, badly disenfranchised by our political system.

In which case, is any of this "right wing", or is it more like some kind of centrist norm that resonates with the common sense principles?

Also, the term "right-wing" is generally misconstrued. The mainstream seem to put fascists and nazis on the right, but those are actually left wing, being very similar in nature and practice to communist regimes. So what is the right then? Good question... I'd say it is the opposite of those things on the left that I just mentioned. Meaning it must indicate more freedom for the individual and less centralised tyranny. The policies I presented are, in that case, definitely centrist. They envisage a role for the state and for community and nation versus the individual, but also respect personal freedoms and seek to limit the power of government.

So I would say I am centrist. A sensible centrist.
They envisage a role for the state and for community and nation versus the individual, but also respect personal freedoms and seek to limit the power of government.

All the plans for locking up, shooting and executing people smacks somewhat of authoritarianism.

So I would say I am centrist. A sensible centrist.

I understand the issue of terminology. But we have a nomenclature where much of what you suggest would be considered right wing, rather than centrist.
By people who are hard left?

Well, it's an interesting debate isn't it. Where exactly does starving disabled people to death and executing drug dealers fit on the political spectrum. If there was a poll of the general public, what would they say?
Boris would be swinging from the nearest lamp post.

What are 'British values' exactly?

If you do not know, as a grown man and presumably one of advanced age, what you are or what your values are, then you are too far gone for me to bother helping. You think you are being clever, but really are a sad case who revels in low brow nihilism.
Well, it's an interesting debate isn't it. Where exactly does starving disabled people to death and executing drug dealers fit on the political spectrum. If there was a poll of the general public, what would they say?

You've misconstrued what I said. I haven't suggested starving disabled people or anybody else.

Do you seriously believe that 16 million (24%) people in this country are meaningfully disabled? There are large numbers of able bodied and able minded people who are choosing to be dependent rather than contributing. That is a terrible way to exist, for those people above all. You are not being kind by enabling their habits, quite the opposite. It is cruel. And I didn't say they should be starved, I said they will starve if they choose not to feed themselves.

I have clearly explained my meaning when it comes to "right wing" and the policies I advanced. The nomenclature you refer to is illogical and intentionally misleading. It is suppsoed to confuse people. Most of the world's people would agree with those policies and most of the world's governments certainly do. Only people who have been culturally immersed in batshit, declining, left wing,
nihilistic western countries view ideas like personal responsibility as "right wing".

Authoritarian? Yes, to some extent. I did say centrist rather than purely freedom orientated. We cannot be purely free. There have to be responsibilities and consequences. Neither I, nor most other normal people, consent to feed or prolong the lives of dangerous child rapists. It is morally correct to humanely remove them from the gene pool.
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