What have you been doing today?

Got any snaps trazor? Can't Geese be a bit aggressive?
Already posted this today but here it is again, just for you!

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They'll eat straight out of your hand and look very healthy
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I didn't realize there were differences of opinion about giving bread to ducks

But Swan Support, which rescues swans, ducks and geese, said some were starving because people had stopped feeding them bread. It blamed a campaign called Ban the Bread by a company selling bird food.
The charity’s Wendy Hermon said: ‘Bread has been fed to swans, ducks and geese for hundreds of years. It’s absolutely fine to feed bread.’

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There was a bit of a campaign against the bread, and the end result was that thousands of birds died from starvation as a result. Glad to see sanity has prevailed. There's nothing I enjoy more than seeing the look of delight on a kiddies (or Motties) face as they feed the ducks and swans.
I think the bread thing was that so much was being fed and couldn’t be eaten. What wasn’t eaten sunk to the bottom and rotted. That caused problems for general pond life.
Just done the weekly shop, checked the obituaries (;)) and later I will be.......walking the dog.
Did a good deed today. As I pulled in to the car park where I was going to walk my dog, there was an old fella struggling to change his wheel in the drive up to the car park. Anyway, I got my dog out and walked up to him instead of taking my usual route. He was struggling to even Jack the car up with a scissor Jack. I asked him if he needed a hand and he said he knew how to do it but because he had a new knee, he was struggling a bit because he couldn’t kneel down. I gave him my dogs lead to hold and got to it. He had the Jack halfway up and I noticed that he hadn’t even put the Jack in the right place and had put a nice dent in his sill so I let the car down I fitted it correctly and then raised the car. Stuck his spare on and let it down. He was very grateful and tried to give me some money but I couldn’t take it and went on my way. Now, I don’t know if you’ve used a scissor Jack but they don’t half give your arms a workout! What’s more, I found I was puffing like someone who'd just run a marathon! Talk about being unfit - that’s what a year off work does for you!
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