Well, I'm in my designated ward in Stepping Hill Hospital, Stockport now.
I was transferred from Warrington General on Saturday night, by invitation to Ward D7. Unfortunately, when we got there, the lifts were busted!
One of the three paramedics who travelled with me legged it up the stairs to talk to them. A few minutes later he was down again.
He said "They wanted us to take you back to Warrington, but I told them your room had gone, so they've made arrangements for you on Ward M6."
So I spent one night on M6 and now one night on D7.
They have ordered me a nice new adjustable bed and an inflatable mattress which is very comfortable...Warrington had my leg elevated on a triangular foam thing very high up, which caused great pain in my left hip and back. My new leg elevation device is less steep and virtually pain-free.
I constantly asked WG for pain relief and it eventually came, but not enough to reduce pain to a 2 or 3 maximum. TBF, though, other hospitals have been the same.
Anyone think this bed controller reminds them of Thomas The Tank Engine?