What have you been doing today?

Just got back from watering the allotment. Last year, the local yob squirrels had my sweetcorn. This year, I made a security net up. Unfortunately, the cobs reached the netting and the bastid squirrels chewed through it. Grrrrr!
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Back to 'normality' at work with all the students back. My work rota is now dictated by what rooms are in use when I go to do something. Throw into the mix we have 2 people doing LFT's for all the students, new kitchen staff who aren't sure how/where certain things are isolated and 850 students who aren't sure where their next lesson rooms are despite being given a map of the college layout and it's been a very disjointed, (for me anyway), sort of day. Hopefully tomorrow will be a bit better.
Had a ride over the fells on "the Concrete Road" built by Manchester Corp in the 30s to ferry materials over to the Haweswater Dam, closed to traffic (in theory)

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Went over the allotment tonight and made a start on burning all the weeds I’ve cleared so far from my new plot. It’s going to take bloody ages. I think I’ll just put it in one large pile and make a bonfire. We're only allowed them over there 5 days either side of bonfire night though. I’ve cleared one bed and sheeted it over so I’ll pile it up there, clear the other beds and move it into the middle of the plot on the day of the bonfire just in case any hedgehogs go in there to hibernate.

Went over the Olympic park today to do some consultancy and IQA work. Train to Stratford then hired a Boris bike for the day for £2. Took longer than expected so had to come home on the train in rush hour. Urgh!
It was absolutely lashing down this morning so I thought I’d give my newly purchased waterproof hiking jacket and shoes a try out on our dog walk. It was raining so hard, the pup that had never seen heavy rain, took shelter under a tree and refused to walk. It had to be put on a lead. The gear worked perfectly - I was particularly impressed with my Rab stuffable jacket. Full waterproof protection and very breathable so absolutely NO sweating, even with a short sleeved shirt on (arms used to get v sweaty with my old jacket). One thing with the shoes though - fully waterproof and so they should for what they cost but having been home for a good couple of hours, one of them is still soaking wet on the outside whilst the other has dried out. Weird.


Off out in a minute to Whoosh bikes in Southend to look at electric bike conversion kits for my Trek. Might be going electric!
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I’ve been converting my bike to electric today. Bought the kit yesterday, road legal one and I fitted it in about 90 minutes. Had to pop up to my workshop to get my crank and cassette removal tools but fairly straightforward. Had to swap the brake disc, tube, tyre and gears onto the new rear wheel. Being a real man, I didn’t even have to read the assembly instructions apart from how to understand the LCD display. :rolleyes: I've just had a run out on it and all fine. Just a little assistance for going up the hills. Just got to tidy up the wiring and shim out the rear caliper tomorrow. Easy assistance up to the legal speed of 15.5 mph but harder to pedal after that - unless you switch it off!

The kit:


All fitted.
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Just back from a call out to faulty electric gates ( big uns on a track), switched off and back on job done :whistle:
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