What have you been doing today?

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still stripping the old bathroom back ...
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Looks like you’ve about done it now, time to start plastering. (y)

yeah, now I've got all that dusty stuff off the walls!

On a serious note, undecided what to do next. Might board with 6mm No More Ply Boards and tile it all, with insulated Marmox on the external walls.
Still got some dust and more wall to remove....
I find that’s the worse bit about building jobs like that in your own home - you seem to be munching on plaster and dust for weeks!
Yeah, tried very hard to contain the dust - kept door shut, waiting for dust to settle before bucketing it out, but still dust everywhere!
But its the last room in the house (4 bedrooms, hallways, lobby, and a bathroom done already) so the end is in sight.
Basin is out, more tiles removed. Now need to remove tiles around loo - we only have 2 toilets so want to keep this in place as long as possible... Not sure how feasible that is though. Going i can remove most of the tiles and board and just leave the bit that is fixed ...


More digging and weeding over the allotment today - 75% done. Just look at the pile of weeds I’ve got up - all going on the allotment bonfire being held on my plot on the 6th. On the 7th, the ashes will be spread all over my plot and dug in.


While I was sitting having a coffee, I saw a really weird thing. A Magpie flew down onto my old plot and it had something in its beak. It hopped about a bit, dug a hole in the ground with its beak, placed the object into the hole, covered it up and flew off. Now squirrels, yes but Magpies? Of course, I had a look and dug it up. It turned out to be half of a nut of some kind. I looked it up when I got home and apparently that’s what they do.

Hope you put the nut back. It will be looking for that on Christmas day for lunch.
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