Just received my new Vodafone Wifi hub. Because I asked nicely, Vodafone broadband moved me from Superfast 1 to Superfast 2, sent me the latest hub and knocked a couple of quid off of the monthly charge that I was paying for Superfast 1. I thought I was going to have to reprogramme all my devices : 2 TV's, 2 Firesticks, 2 Kindles, Ring doorbell, Wifi bird box, 2 iPads, 5 iPhones, Amazon fire tablet, Windows Laptop and an Amazon Alexa but the hub has a guest account and I remember someone telling me on here to just change the name of the new router to the same name and password as the old one. I didn't want to muck about getting into the settings of the router etc so I just used my old router name and password on the guest account instead. All works! Not a lot faster - just an increase of speed from 35 - 46 but I can now stream 4K films on both my firesticks at the same time with no buffering. Can't tell the difference between 4K and 1k though on my telly with my eyes!
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