What have you been doing today?

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More birds for me today! When I was out in my garden I saw a pigeon on my roof. I noticed it was a racing pigeon as it had rings on its legs. I got some bird seed in a plastic tub, shook it and it came down. (I suspected it would as my dad used to have racing pigeons). Anyway, I put the tub on the floor and it came over. It wasn’t long before I had it eating out of my hand. I suspect it’ll hang around for a few days before taking off and going on it’s way but I kind of hope it stays around - racing pigeons that get lost and eventually make their way home have a very short life - you can’t just take them somewhere and let them go.


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Is it generally true that stuff you grow at home / allotment tastes better than shop bought, or is that a bit of an old wives tale?

Read something the other day saying that a lot of fruit and veg has half the nutrients now compared to 50 years ago. Apparently down to the varieties grown and modern growing methods. Anything home grown will be better in every respect.
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Yeah, sorry, I meant Jackdaw - getting my corvids mixed up! Seven have hatched from eight eggs and if I what I read is true, I’ll be well happy if four of them make it out and survive summer.

I thought I'd find you here..... can you pop over to the garden forum,? Please
I have a tree question
When I retired I made it known that all I ever wanted was at least 2x years of happy relaxation, sat on my patio in a rocking chair & watching the birds on my feeders while drinking fine whisky.

I've been retired 4 years now & I think yesterday afternoon was the first time that dream really came true.
Definitely true. The flavours are like nothing shop bought.

I have yet to find the time to grow my own salad & vegetables, but it is on my very long list of "things to do".

Me Dads last few years were spent mostly tending his kitchen garden patch, & I miss his onions more than anything in the whole wide world, I would gladly sacrifice my left bollok for a bowl of his radishes.
Just dropped our dog off at the groomers. She's a bit overdue! I spend more on her haircuts per year than I do on my own - that’s a price worth paying though for a dog that doesn’t molt.

@The Samaritan. If you pm me your address I’ll ask the groomer for her hair and you can have it made into a jumper or something. (y)

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