What have you been doing today?

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Saturday bike ride to local cafe for bacon bun, had a right argument with a fat woman on a fat pony, I always shout on approaching horses from behind, which I did on this occasion, she accused me of not shouting as I rode past, so I pulled up and had a real row. I might buy a klaxon for the next time.
Popped up to Lincolnshire to watch PA474 strut her stuff across the skies over Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre to a capacity crowd of 5,000
A very enjoyable time was had by myself and Mrs C and now sitting down enjoying a bottle of Lancaster Bomber.
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Don't know why they have double posted. Sorry.

Nice photos Conny. (y)

Went over the allotment today and spent the best part of an hour pruning and trimming my 9 tomato plants that had all very quickly merged into one gigantic bush. I most have chucked near on 500 tomatoes away - with no pruning, they are all small. Went and helped myself to another compost bin from the bin store and they all went in there. I still have at least 250 left and they can flourish now they are getting sun and air to them. I found about 15 beetroots that I had planted in between them too, a couple of them were whoppers. I pulled all those up and brought them home and I’m going to boil then pickle them. I also noticed that I have a few butternut squashes that have germinated too. Oh, and I picked a nice bunch of Glads for Mrs Mottie. :giggle:
Just been over and watered my half-plot. I noted how much water I used this time. 64 gallons! I don’t know how people on allotments manage without water troughs. I have a couple of 50 gallon water butts, empty of course, but even so, they wouldn’t last me a week. Anyway, after pruning my massive tomato bush back to the 9 plants it started out as, I’ve got quite a few toms to harvest bearing in mind I’ve chucked away twice as many toms to get them to that stage.

Saturday bike ride to local cafe for bacon bun, had a right argument with a fat woman on a fat pony, I always shout on approaching horses from behind, which I did on this occasion, she accused me of not shouting as I rode past, so I pulled up and had a real row. I might buy a klaxon for the next time.

They have things called bells you can buy for bikes these days. I might feel agreived if some oik on a bike started shouting something at me from behind.
They have things called bells you can buy for bikes these days. I might feel agreived if some oik on a bike started shouting something at me from behind.
Some reading for you.

This time yesterday I was sitting in A&E waiting for an x-ray on my shoulder. I've torn the ligament which sits between my collar bone and AC joint. Nothing they can do about it so I just have to avoid heavy lifting and do some exercises to keep it moving for a few weeks. Lucky I now have an assistant at work..
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