What have you done nice today.

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apart from the ones who've already died.

"Diarrhea is the third leading cause of childhood mortality in India, and is responsible for 13% of all deaths/year in children under 5 years of age."


"India has made steady progress in reducing deaths in children younger than 5 years, with total deaths declining from 2.5 million in 2001 to 1.5 million in 2012.[1] This remarkable reduction was possible due to the inception and success of many universal programs like expanded program on immunization, program for the control of diarrheal diseases and acute respiratory infection. Even though the deaths among children under-5 years have declined, the proportional mortality accounted by diarrheal diseases still remains high. Diarrhea is the third most common cause of death in under-five children, responsible for 13% deaths in this age-group, killing an estimated 300,000 children in India each year.[2] Information on diarrheal diseases, its determinants in India and preventive and control strategies in light of recent developments need to be reviewed for better planning and organization of health services within the community."

It's not a criticism John!
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Took the dog for a walk & half filled a bin bag with litter & those poo bags that ****s leave tied to tree's. Counted 6 cygnets, all healthy & managed to check the cob's feet (someone said he'd cut one), re-filled the bird feeders in the comunity garden & sat & had a chat with old Brin who did the weeding.

Got home to find the missus in a panic 'cos a bird is flapping behind the wood stove . . . Took 3hrs to get a young thrush out of the house.

Curtains closed, no light, large blanket to catch the bird in .....worked every time. had to do it loads of times where gas gores were involved.
Twice a week on a journey into town I buy a homeless person a burger and a coffee.
Not the same one each time I hasten to add. Try to do it for a different one each time and they now realise they will get theirs on another day. Don't want to appear to favour anyone. Also there are a number of cafe's which have a 'Pay it forward' scheme. When we buy 2 coffees we pay for at least one extra, then if a homeless person pops in they can have a free coffee or tea. It's monitored by the staff who ensure some don't try to abuse the system and it works quite well. Mutual trust on both sides.

Going in to a Co op two poor chaps sat outside .......Them " Can I ask you a question ? " " You already have !" They both laughed I went inside the Co op .

On exiting " Can I ask you a question have you had any Breakfast ? " "No " have this and handed them a carrier bag each with a sandwich and a pint of milk and a chocolate biscuit. Not giving them anything for Booze of fags but that's me.
Exactly why we buy them food/drinks, so they can't buy drink/drugs fags. Not come across any who didn't genuinely appreciate our gesture.
Exactly why we buy them food/drinks, so they can't buy drink/drugs fags. Not come across any who didn't genuinely appreciate our gesture.
I always buy sarnies. Once, one guy told me he didn't like cheese and could I swap it, which I duly did! :LOL:
I priced a boiler job for a customer... He could only afford the basic model.
The local rep of another boiler company said if I use his equivalent boiler he would give me smart controls. I priced £170 for controls.
So for my nice thing for the day. I called my customer and said if he pays another £50 odd I'll pay the £170 and I'll get him the top of the range boiler with 5 extra years warranty. (10years)

Thats my nice thing for today.

Bod x
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