In part that was the thrust of my response - but perhaps I never made my other point clearly enough was that when I challenged the two local authorities on the Approved documents part P sect 3.8 - 3.12 they did not have a system for allowing this process. And simply referred to the £500 plus I was required to pay to get work registered.I sympathise with riveralt, and others in a similar position, in as much as he is obviously no less competent (in everyday sense) now than he was when he was a member of the NAPIT scheme last year. However, and this is the point which has been discussed, whether or not one can self-certify does not depend just upon how competent (everyday sense) one is but, rather, whether one is a 'paid up member' of a competent person's scheme.
I have now found at least one LABC that has set up this process (3.8 - 3.12) and where they have accepted my competency - reducing the charge to £100 plus vat.