What shall I get her?

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To be honest PBD I'm totally useless at buying things for women. The first present I bought for my lady as of now was a Flymo Strimmer. I have in actual fact bought her about 60 paving slabs. But I wasn't going to lay the bloody things. That was her job. Anyway after a while she started struggling with them so I bought her a slab lifter. My last but one present for her was 2.5kg tub of chicken manure. So, you see, you need some help but not from me. Sorry, old chap :cry:
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4 yrs ago, the ex wife told me she'd leave it up to me what to get her. Her birthday present that year had been a digital camera. So for Xmas, I though I'd buy her one of those digital photo frame thingummyjigs. It could play a slideshow of photos, play video and music. I also bought a usb memory stick and loaded it with all the photo's she'd taken with the camera, put some of her favourite songs on it and a couple of short holiday videos.

However, unknown to me, she had seen the carrier bag from PC World.
On Christmas eve, we were visiting her daughter and her daughter took me to one side and said " Mum knows what you've bought her this year>"
Slightly surprised, I asked her what she thought it was.
Her reply?? "Oh, Mum knows it's a laptop!" :oops: :oops:

You should have seen her face on Christmas morning. :evil: :evil:
I was reading out these threads to my good lady for a laugh then realised she's going to find out what I bought her for Xmas, spoiling the surprise. So, I censored it. She laughed at Biker1959's, so I am okay now. :)
Mrs RR told me not to buy anything as she wants to buy some leather boots in the sales. So I've just bought her a nice wool scarf as she's always cold. It's a sort of grey/brown colour so I reckon it ought to match anything she wears.

Fingers crossed.
Heard in the the cabin at work the other day-
"I'm not gettin' my missus what she wants for Christmas"

"Why , whats she want?"

"A widow's pension!"
:oops: :LOL: :LOL:
your missus has had some pyss poor pressie off of you in the past, I nearly feel sorry for her :eek:

Quote...We didn't get where we are today by buying each other posh presents.

For Christmas I am going to play her the Christmas post you sent in because she loves John Mathis.

Do I give her the torch before or afterwards, what do you think I should do?

I'll take it as read that I must stand well clear at the hand over. :)
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