What The Heck Are The Birds Eating?

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
It seems to be getting worse as time goes on!

Almost every panel gets splattered...

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Maybe you have a neighbour like my old Mum. She puts out tons of seed and bread which is hoovered up by the local birds and squirrels. Over a year must spend a fortune. What goes up, must come down! :rolleyes:
If you think that's bad you should try parking under a tree, much much worse.
Maybe they are trying to tell you to get a decent car! Lol
Good job you don't live in Teignmouth , the ****ehawks there produce dollops the size of a saucer and its quite accidic , can damage your paint quickly
I get to work fairly early and get my 'usual spot' in the car park, which is far in the corner under a tree. It's great in the summer as it shades the car for most of the day, but the downside is lots of purple-coloured droppings from all the damson-eating birds.
We flew from Heathrow to China in 2000, booked in a cheapish hotel with parking, place was full and only parking place was under a tree, when we got home two weeks later the car looked like someone had sprayed toffee over it, had to go to a car wash before setting off home
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