What’s this bird?

I had some goldcrests in the garden last year.

(Sadly not my image)

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All of us in our street feed the birds and when you encourage a higher density of small bird you get this predating on them. If only they killed the before started to eating them. It's a sparrow hawk by the way.
Ok that not much of a quiz so question - how do you tell the difference between a male & female sparrow hawk?
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All of us in our street feed the birds and when you encourage a higher density of small bird you get this predating on them. If only they killed the before started to eating them. It's a sparrow hawk by the way.
My parents used to feed a Robin, it started to come in their conservatory and eat crumbs off the coffee table.

Sadly a sparrowhawk got it one day - it landed on the garden fence, dropped down to the ground and caught the Robin....it all happened in a few seconds.
We get regular visits from a Sparrowhawk, sometimes she gets lucky, eating a member of the Crow family

Tho' Nature, red in tooth and claw

With the surplus food I’ve been putting out for the birds, I’ve seen a mouse several times picking up seeds. Anyway we were eating tea the other night and I saw a pigeon swoop down and land in our border. It was bloody fast and when I looked again, it was a sparrow hawk probably after a mouse. It didn’t get anything and flew off after a few moments. First time I’ve ever seen one in my garden and up that close.
Goldfinches are pretty common these days and probably Britains most exotic looking bird

They like niyja seed and sunflower hearts

Goldfinches are pretty common these days and probably Britains most exotic looking bird

They like niyja seed and sunflower hearts


A far prettier bird than these Paraketes we see now.
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