Whats stopped you voting Labour

  • Thread starter Deleted member 294929
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All British news outlets, be they TV, radio or print, are left-wing, and all British institutions, from the police to education and beyond are left-wing.

Right-wing is a misunderstood concept - the popular view of right-wing is that which the left wing media has promulgated, i.e. violent, racist, football hooligan, nazi etc.

Right-wing simply means living within your means. If you can't afford it, do without until you can. Where now will you see that sentiment in any sphere of British public life? We are billions, trillions and squillions of pounds in debt to other countries and no political party wants to stop the spending. "Right-wing" has been demonised and driven out of British life.
That's a very left wing, working man philosophy.

Getting your facts mixed up again.
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Following on from my post a few mins ago, here's just one example, now imagine scaling this scenario up across the UK. I know someone who works in the NHS in an administrative role. They earn ~£40k pa. In the department within which they work, the management identified a requirement for someone with an additional skillset. The person I know already dabbled in this area as part of their role and suggested to the management 'can I not receive some additional training and absorb the additional task?' In short the management decided 'no' and employed another person on ~£40k pa. I have no reason to disbelieve him, the person I know is adamant they could have absorbed what this entirely new role is doing.

This happens time and time again and I don't doubt local councils are the same. Of course there will be times when an additional member of the team 'is' required, no one would deny that. However I've heard of more than a few real life scenarios as per the above.
It's been this way a while.

One of my girlfriends worked in ENT in the 90s. She always said, "There are too many Chiefs and not enough Indians."
Right-wing is living within your means; left-wing is living off other peoples' money.
right wing is about making money from money, definitely not living within your means.

Left wing is about living on the money you have, living within your means.

Obviously there are different levels and extremes, but generally its as above.

Taxation policies are different, that is maybe where you are thinking.
The current party in power is a hard right populist government.
The current party in power is extreme left. The communists have infiltrated everything, even the Conservative Party.

If they are "hard right populist" why are they not controlling borders? Why are they debasing the currency? Why are they not policing drugs and other crimes?
Andy, you are barmy. You don't know what a Communist is. You don't know what right-wing means. You don't know what extreme left means. You don't know what propaganda is.

Why don't you write a few posts about Etruscan pottery and Astrophysics?
The current party in power is extreme left. The communists have infiltrated everything, even the Conservative Party.

If they are "hard right populist" why are they not controlling borders? Why are they debasing the currency? Why are they not policing drugs and other crimes?
So if Corbyn had got in when he was challenging the Tories, things would not be any different ?

Sorry Andy, but you just rant, without any information or knowledge.
So if Corbyn had got in when he was challenging the Tories, things would not be any different ?
No, they wouldn't. Maybe more money printed, more foreigners let in and more criminals let free but much the same direction of travel.
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