Whats stopped you voting Labour

  • Thread starter Deleted member 294929
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Rise in government spending above inflation was much higher under Labour

Note that it's ABOVE inflation every year, under any colour of government. Definitely no cutbacks or shortages, just ever-rising waste.
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Falling behind on healthcare
I was referring to healthcare specifically.
Why do you have to bring the EU into every discussion.
Do you really believe that things would be any different if the UK had remained in the EU.
Now that Britain (not the UK) is out of the EU, the government at Westminster can no longer blame the EU for its failures.
I would think you would welcome that.
Note that it's ABOVE inflation every year, under any colour of government. Definitely no cutbacks or shortages, just ever-rising waste.

non sequitur.

increases in NHS costs are not due to ”just ever rising waste.

it’s due to:

non stop development of healthcare….more technology, more knowledge = longer lifespan and greater costs of clinical procedures
population increase
rise in lifestyle disease, esp diabetes
bed blocking due to loss of public services / social care / care homes / community care.
Hey Notch I think you are on to something! Perhaps if we trained people to do the jobs that we need we we wouldn’t have to pay them to do nothing week in, week out?
What percentage of people on benefits do you think aren’t genuine?

how many do you think are “benefit scroungers”
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Than there are the consultants
Working till 3 pm ?? So as to get in a round of golf ??

Probably work in there private practices in Harley street 3 days a week ???
The graph shows that, relative to demand from our growing and increasingly old population, healthcare spending was rising until about 2010, when something happened, and it has been pretty flat since.

It's been ever-rising, or at the very best has levelled off relative to the booming population.

Like I said, it used to be rising, until about 2010, and has been pretty flat since. Glad to see you agree with me.

But because the population has been getting increasingly old, demand has increased because old people need more care.

So supply falls increasingly short of demand.

No doubt you will come to understand, one day.
What we need is some type of definite answer to
The question is there life (?) after death

Is there some thing ????? Is it some type of good thing ?? Do we enter another time zone ? Meet other people ? Get definite proof and loads would volunteer to snuff it ?

I would

Get to
Meet Marlyn Munro
Ava gardener

Ect ect and giv em one :ROFLMAO:
Only if they have been sentenced to unending punishment.
into voting for them so they can lob the cash all over the place and put the final nail in this country's wrecked finances

A lazy trope.

There isn’t any difference between how well or badly either party have managed the economy over the last 50 years.
A lazy trope.

There isn’t any difference between how well or badly either party have managed the economy over the last 50 years.

I'm not disagreeing with you Notch, but.......

......why then has this trope not been put to bed by Labour years ago?

That's as much a failing of theirs, as it it the laziness of the electorate.
Is it because multibillionaires and tax dodgers get an easy ride from Tories and don't want that to change?

Does Murdoch pay UK tax?

Does Viscount Rothermere?
What percentage of people on benefits do you think aren’t genuine?

how many do you think are “benefit scroungers”
Already addressed, but to repeat I'd estimate one in five hundred sickness benefit claimants to be genuine, the rest not.

Also, there is more to benefit fraud than sickness / out-of-work benefits. Child benefit is much abused, especially where a child is sick, or more likely fraudulently declared sick for the purpose of claiming benefit money. I know you don't believe that this goes on, because you haven't had personal experience of it in your sleepy hollow midsummer murders village. Many peoples' entire existence is based on benefit fraud, and the main reason for the "immigration crisis" is foreigners coming here to abuse the benefits system.

Some folk invent children in order to claim benefit money for them. Can you believe it?

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I'm not disagreeing with you Notch, but.......

......why then has this trope not been put to bed by Labour years ago?

That's as much a failing of theirs, as it it the laziness of the electorate.

thats certainly a valid question.

I think it is because politics is very tribal and it tends to be framed as: “Labour are raving socialists spending all our money on growing the state.“

Perhaps we should ask Andy11 :unsure:
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