What's The Oldest Joke You Can Remember?

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A policeman is on the beat at 2 a.m. He meets an 8 year old boy:

"Hello son, what are you doing out so late?"
"I'm looking for a lady of the night"

"I said I'm looking for a lady of the night"

"Because I want to catch a disease"

"How old are you, son?"
"I'm 8, officer"

"You're 8 and you want to catch a disease. Why on earth would you want to do that?"

"Well, I'm going to go home and sh*g the au-pair and she's going to get it. She'll sh*g my father and he's going to get it. Then he'll sh*g my mother and she's going to get it. Finally, she'll sh*g the gardener, and he's the bast*rd I'm after 'cos he killed my pet frog!"
Love or hate him, one I remember from a certain late comedian...

The boy stood on the burning deck eating red hot scallops. One fell down his trouser front and burnt him on the leg.

Completely missed his bo11ocks!
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thos "what do you call a man..." jokes were great.

What do you call a man with a spade on his head?....

What do you call a man with a plank of wood on his head?


and with 3 planks...?

Edward Woodward:rolleyes:
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