When considering in or out:

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Yes, and one of the theories is that they've been feeling the squeeze so much they felt like they had nothing to lose by leaving the EU.
I wonder what they will do when they find out that they could not have been more wrong.
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I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and proceed on the basis that you really don't understand.

Well, thank you BAS for the "benefit of the doubt." Now if you please, I'll continue on the basis that you didn't really understand my question in my last post.. Here's the question.....
Tell me , what was the electoral percentage of remain voters?
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and proceed on the basis that you really don't understand.

37.5% is not a large enough number of people to have in favour of such a monumental change for it to just be blindly pursued.

If 37.5% would not be enough to do something as insignificant as stopping tube trains from running for a day how can it possibly be enough to do something as significant as leaving the EU?

Where is your logic? Where is your consistency?

Them's was the rules of the game. Whatever the number was that voted Leave, was sufficient by the rules of the game.
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I missed that. I do hope Susie was pulling her "unbiased journalist spanked puppy face" :p
I have no idea what that face is Mitch as I rarely watch TV, but anything she does must be miles better than Piers Morgan? :)
A has been politician ,who was well past his sell by date years ago .
A cogently argued, well-thought out rebuttal of the points by transam....

...would have been a nice change.

But too much to hope for.
A cogently argued, well-thought out rebuttal of the points by transam....

...would have been a nice change.

But too much to hope for.

Well one does ones best :)

Heseltine has been a fervent EU fan all his political career . you could bet your mortgage on what he his views & opinions are& all ways will be.
When relationships go wrong, man and woman starts to hate each other, and start living separately and move on in life, find new partners if they get lucky again, but in some cases they meet again and try and make up for the lost time and say sorry for separating in the first place, there can be many reasons why they did not get on with each other, and eventually beg each other to get together again, and you hear one beg the other please forgive me I will never do that again, let us live together, countries are no different, they are made up of men and women, one day Britain will rejoin EU, once again, yes it will because the current generation have no idea what their children and grandchildren really want for future, we would be long gone by then. It will be their future and they will decide.

And if assuming all those settles from Europe are going to be guaranteed a stay in UK, then what difference would this now make to us in leaving EU? the damage is already done, it would have been better if the doors remained open, so that many EU citizens could go back whenever they felt like doing so. Now they won't because they could lose their right to remain in UK.

but wait and see how things unfold, I can't see much good coming out of leaving EU, nor am I against Brexit. I want to see EU break up too, that would be really good!
one voice from Heseltine

describing the give-away of sovereignty
Ohh yes I remember him... Isn't he one of these Lords now? Paid £300 per day , plus expenses for falling asleep in the house, then waking up in time to vote against things the Great British Electorate want.. Ahh yes,, tell me John, did you vote for him to join the lofty House of Lords? (ooh silly me,,, of course you didn't)

PS, I'm still waiting on an answer from you regarding the "Polish" nurses who have left the NHS,,, Have they actually left the UK ?
When relationships go wrong, man and woman starts to hate each other, and start living separately and move on in life, find new partners if they get lucky again, but in some cases they meet again and try and make up for the lost time and say sorry for separating in the first place, there can be many reasons why they did not get on with each other, and eventually beg each other to get together again, and you hear one beg the other please forgive me I will never do that again, let us live together, countries are no different, they are made up of men and women, one day Britain will rejoin EU
And the EU will be just like the man in the relationship. Thinking, and acting like he's in charge? Except, the EU will be in charge (again) and make GB pay for the supposed "mistake" of leaving in the first place. Yes many women often return to abusive relationships,, I do hope the UK doesn't act like such a woman... Careful what you wish for Mike.
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