Putin solves another problem

America and NATO have reneged on agreements regarding missiles and troops near Russian borders.

Tell me more about these agreements you have seen. What date were they signed, and what is the wording in the paragraph you're thinking of?
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Ha ha ha you’re a lazy man do some research. So
Russia / NATO Had no agreement regarding nato encroachment near Russia ? It began with Gorbachev following the dissolution of the cccp
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Have you read the "Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany?" signed in Moscow 12 September 1990?

I have.

What limitations do you claim it puts on the rights of nations wishing to join NATO?

I know.

Do you?
Of course, you like to post false stories emanating from Putin's propaganda machine.

I suppose you are too trusting, and too lazy, to find out if they are true.

They aren't.
Very funny. What is your comment regarding Ukraine being complicit in the Holocaust? ?
When the Ukrainian Parliament declared itself an independent country on 24 August 1991, leaving the Soviet Union, what undertakings did it make about not joining NATO?
Answer the qveston. Dumbkoff
Poor old jd been googling like mad not to look a fool as usual
Tell me more about these agreements you have seen. What date were they signed, and what is the wording in the paragraph you're thinking of?

That is the question.

The answer is that the agreements you claim, do not exist.
In a nutshell then your saying that Russia is ok with NATO encroaching on it’s borders and bringing missiles ever closer. I’m sorry I can’t reference the
Exact agreement, how remiss of me
No, in a nutshell, the fact is that the agreements you claim to have been broken, do not exist.

They are fabrications made up and circulated by Putin and his supporters.

If he knew who you were, he might reasonably consider you a useful
For people interested in accuracy, an article exists on FT.com entitled "Not one inch’: unpicking Putin’s deadly obsession with the details of history"


"Matters came to a head in September 1990, when the two Germanies and the four victorious powers of the second world war fought over the wording of the Final Settlement on German unification. Genscher’s allies ultimately overcame his resistance. They insisted the treaty’s language allow Nato to extend Article 5 — the guarantee that an attack on one will be treated as an attack on all — eastward across the former cold-war frontline into former East Germany, and also explicitly permit foreign troops to cross that line with the permission of the German government. Crucially, there was no clear prohibition on Nato adding more members.

The Soviet Union, desperate for western financial support at a time when the country was crumbling, agreed to these terms. Its representatives not only signed but ratified the Final Settlement, and President Mikhail Gorbachev took receipt of German financial support as a de facto carrot for Moscow’s signature. As the successor to the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation remains bound by this ratification — but Putin ignores that."
I’m sorry I can’t reference the
Exact agreement, how remiss of me
This one?

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