When is this going to stop?

they pish and shyte in peoples kitchen in a tray and then walk all over worktops and furniture and people think this is normal .
Maybe but thats mainly the owners problem for not changing the litter regularly, its not fair on a cat to keep it where it cant go outside.
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Maybe but thats mainly the owners problem for not changing the litter regularly, its not fair on a cat to keep it where it cant go outside.
doesnt matter how regularly one pish and its already stepped in it and most of these cats get outside but are trained to use the tray . Cat owners never realise how much their houses can stink they are used to the smell
doesnt matter how regularly one pish and its already stepped in it and most of these cats get outside but are trained to use the tray . Cat owners never realise how much their houses can stink they are used to the smell
Its the fur and scratched carpets that stand out for me.
This is an attack waiting to happen. It’s had plenty of mentions on one of our local Facebook pages. Apparently they’ve attacked one dog and a woman claims to have been scratched by one of them. Either way, there’s no way this person can control these dogs. First time I’ve seen him but Mrs Mottie won’t walk our dog locally in case she meets these two.

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This is an attack waiting to happen. It’s had plenty of mentions on one of our local Facebook pages. Apparently they’ve attacked one dog and a woman claims to have been scratched by one of them. Either way, there’s no way this person can control these dogs. First time I’ve seen him but Mrs Mottie won’t walk our dog locally in case she meets these two.

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They appear to be muzzled?
They appear to be muzzled?
Yes, they are. Whenever I’ve tried muzzling my cocker spaniel (to prevent her eating poo!) she always manages to claw it off. Just wondering how secure those muzzles actually are and who fitted them. I’m pretty sure a fit and able bodied adult couldn't hold those dogs back if they chose to attack a person or another dog, let alone the person in the wheelchair. Apparently he doesn't (can’t?) pick up their shìt either.