When is this going to stop?

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By his own dog? Killed the very person that feeds and looks after the animal? FFS. Why do people keep these animals?

exactly why does any one want this type of breed ?????????

video on face wat sit in the states plod called to 3 of these dogs attacking a woman ( owner) they ripped her apart

bits / chunks of her all over the lawn
By his own dog? Killed the very person that feeds and looks after the animal? FFS. Why do people keep these animals?
Because they are stupid?

Mind you, the same could be said about any dog owner ;)

Because no matter what the breed is, dogs can and do kill and injure...

Plus so much of the world's resources go into feeding the critters...

And the food bills/vets fees could save many human lives if channeled elsewhere...

So remember that when a child says, "can we get a dog?"...

All it takes is a firm no!
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Because they are stupid?

Mind you, the same could be said about any dog owner ;)

Because no matter what the breed is, dogs can and do kill and injure...

Plus so much of the world's resources go into feeding the critters...

And the food bills/vets fees could save many human lives if channeled elsewhere...

So remember that when a child says, "can we get a dog?"...

All it takes is a firm no!
Tw@t. You could say the same about cars. Do you drive one?
On the local news tonight it said the dog had not been with him for long.
The neighbour tried to fight it off with a broom (although he sounded like a reet thickun).

As a dog owner I detest all cruelty to dogs etc. However after seeing so many of these incidents I am now of the thought that maybe this breed does need removing from our communities, yes put the dogs down (as upsetting as this is) for the safety of our community.

My workmate says he sees one in Todmorden, described as a dog that looks like it has been on steroids and weightlifting - he crosses to the other side of the road when he sees it coming - if it was to start to run off the bloke holding it would have no chance in stopping it.

I like the feelings that having a dog gives you, although I would not like the feeling that an XL bully would give me as that is fear.
non life threatening but quite possible life changing

dog attacks cause massive damage to tissue, nerves and muscle. Victims can end up with years of surgery and permanent pain

My dog that weighs 6Kgs once bit me on the arm, f*** me it hurt. She is an anxious dog, was was holding her in my arms and somebody walked around the corner with a dog on the lead, my dog in reaction bit the nearest thing my arm, not only did she bite but did that shaking thing at the same time

I cant imagine what a 50KG dog could do yet alone 4 of them

Why does this country allow people to own these dogs?
There is a video on face book
In the states plod called to

3 pit bulls savagely attacking some woman bits of her all over the lawn ripped her flesh down to the bone

Plod who turned up shot the dogs and they were all in shock at the devastation

No charges were brought against the owners
Any one recall that McClanan v Benn fight ( boxing) that Mclennen ended up with serious brain damage ??

He was into dog fighting

Went down the local dog pound bought a Labrador taped its mouth up and threw it in the pound with his fighting dog to rip apart ( training)

Brain damage !!! He already had it / a nasty piece of work

Good riddance to him I say
It seems some breeds are inherently volatile or aggressive, for the rest its lazy self indulgent owners who are proud of their dogs aggression to other people and regard training as the dog doing what they say, some of the time.
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