When is this going to stop?

No an hour ago I heard a woman screaming and a dog barking outside my house. I went out and there was a big black GSD trying to attack a pug that the woman was walking on her lead. She was screaming and spinning round with her dog being spun and lifted with the snarling GSD running round in circles. Luckily the pug had a harness on so it wasn't being spun by its neck. I managed to get a few kicks in at the GSD but it made no difference. I ended up getting in between the woman and her pug and the GSD and kept shouting "NO" at it and pointing at it. I told the woman to leg it while I held it off but it kept trying to get past me but I blocked it. I was wary of turning my back on it and shouted to Mrs Mottie to get me a broom or something (oh, for a scaffold pole!) but we ended up having a bit of a row as she wouldn’t get one for me, thinking it would make the dog attack worse! By now, half the street was out but I suppose not being dog owners they were a bit wary of it too and I can’t say I blame them. The dog belongs to some foreigner who rents a house in the close opposite us and is a mobile security patrol worker so it’s his working dog. I’ve had words with him before when he let it shît near the post box opposite and just walked away. I told him we don’t do that round here. He apologised and picked it up. This is not the first time this dog has escaped either. That could have easily, easily been a small child or a baby in a pram. Finally I saw the owner coming down the close and the dog ran to him - I think he keeps it in his garage. His neighbour has complained to the LA as the dog barks when he is coming and going to work with it at all odd hours in the middle of the night but nothing seems to have been done as far as I can tell. I was still pumped and I made a bit of a show of myself in front of half of the street shouting at him to keep his f'cking dog under control. I got told off by Mrs Mottie for that too! "Sorry boss" was all he kept saying. The ****.

Re: the Stonnall manslaughter from the OP, the BBC reported that:

"On Friday, the force said officers had spoken to the dog owner on two previous occasions after being called to incidents in the area."

It took a man to die, for anyone to take this seriously.

As I previously posted:

Shot on site, if necessary.
The morons who parade around with them, too. (y)
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I would hope you also reported it to the police?
I looked it up and it’s not an offence for a dog to attack another dog but it could be if a human felt threatened. The woman certainly did and I must admit I didn’t feel to comfortable either especially with all these dog attacks at the moment. I’ve reported it to 101, they have given me a reference number and will be passing the details to the safer neighbourhood team and they may get back in touch with me. I won’t be surprised if they don’t though. Unfortunately there’s not much more I can do. Hopefully someone else has reported it in the past when it has got out and gone prowling the area.
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Browsing Reddit r/all & came across a NSFW clip of 2x dogs mauling a man which I think might be the Stonnall death.

It struck me immediately as rather odd that others were beating the dogs with large sticks but in a way that it appears they didn't really want to harm the dogs ?
This would only really work if you literally have a dog in your face but if it's possible, grab the dog's front legs, one in each hand, quite high up and pull them apart as swiftly and as forcefully as you can. This should incapacitate them.

It goes without saying that you would only do this if there was a grave threat to life.

The surest way to stop a dog that has latched on, is strangulation.

if the dog has a collar: put hand in collar and twist then pull up.

if no collars then use dog lead or trouser belt.

Kicking a dog, punching, lift its legs etc can just lead to increasing aggression.

here is a poor Labrador being attacked by a dangerous dog ( video goes on to explain how to deal with it)

Browsing Reddit r/all & came across a NSFW clip of 2x dogs mauling a man which I think might be the Stonnall death.

It struck me immediately as rather odd that others were beating the dogs with large sticks but in a way that it appears they didn't really want to harm the dogs ?
Using sticks is not a solution, dogs in kill mode can tolerate extreme pain and it just winds them up more.
Using sticks is not a solution, dogs in kill mode can tolerate extreme pain and it just winds them up more.
I wish that a link to the video would last longer than a split millisecond on this site, it really is something that people should see.

It's confirmed that the video is the Stonnall death, 168 Main St Stonnall. If you watch the video you will form the impression that the chaps hitting those dogs with sticks were doing it half heartedly, as was the pathetic attempts with the wheelie bin.
I looked it up and it’s not an offence for a dog to attack another dog but it could be if a human felt threatened. The woman certainly did and I must admit I didn’t feel to comfortable either especially with all these dog attacks at the moment. I’ve reported it to 101, they have given me a reference number and will be passing the details to the safer neighbourhood team and they may get back in touch with me. I won’t be surprised if they don’t though. Unfortunately there’s not much more I can do. Hopefully someone else has reported it in the past when it has got out and gone prowling the area.
Well, the neighbourhood plod is coming round to see me tomorrow.
No an hour ago I heard a woman screaming and a dog barking outside my house. I went out and there was a big black GSD trying to attack a pug that the woman was walking on her lead. She was screaming and spinning round with her dog being spun and lifted with the snarling GSD running round in circles. Luckily the pug had a harness on so it wasn't being spun by its neck. I managed to get a few kicks in at the GSD but it made no difference. I ended up getting in between the woman and her pug and the GSD and kept shouting "NO" at it and pointing at it. I told the woman to leg it while I held it off but it kept trying to get past me but I blocked it. I was wary of turning my back on it and shouted to Mrs Mottie to get me a broom or something (oh, for a scaffold pole!) but we ended up having a bit of a row as she wouldn’t get one for me, thinking it would make the dog attack worse! By now, half the street was out but I suppose not being dog owners they were a bit wary of it too and I can’t say I blame them. The dog belongs to some foreigner who rents a house in the close opposite us and is a mobile security patrol worker so it’s his working dog. I’ve had words with him before when he let it shît near the post box opposite and just walked away. I told him we don’t do that round here. He apologised and picked it up. This is not the first time this dog has escaped either. That could have easily, easily been a small child or a baby in a pram. Finally I saw the owner coming down the close and the dog ran to him - I think he keeps it in his garage. His neighbour has complained to the LA as the dog barks when he is coming and going to work with it at all odd hours in the middle of the night but nothing seems to have been done as far as I can tell. I was still pumped and I made a bit of a show of myself in front of half of the street shouting at him to keep his f'cking dog under control. I got told off by Mrs Mottie for that too! "Sorry boss" was all he kept saying. The ****.

I looked it up and it’s not an offence for a dog to attack another dog but it could be if a human felt threatened. The woman certainly did and I must admit I didn’t feel to comfortable either especially with all these dog attacks at the moment. I’ve reported it to 101, they have given me a reference number and will be passing the details to the safer neighbourhood team and they may get back in touch with me. I won’t be surprised if they don’t though. Unfortunately there’s not much more I can do. Hopefully someone else has reported it in the past when it has got out and gone prowling the area.
Well, the neighbourhood plod is coming round to see me tomorrow.

They’ve just been round. Told me there’s not a lot they can do about it until something bad has happened. I told them that I thought it was an offence if someone felt threatened by a dog. They asked if I felt threatened and if so, would I make a statement to that effect and I said I would. They took details and are going to email me a statement tonight for me to check over. If all okay they will type it up and bring it round for me to sign tomorrow and they can then pass that up where they will make a visit to the owner and decide whether any action needs to be taken. It may involve taking the dog from them to be rehomed. Fingers crossed.
They’ve just been round. Told me there’s not a lot they can do about it until something bad has happened. I told them that I thought it was an offence if someone felt threatened by a dog. They asked if I felt threatened and if so, would I make a statement to that effect and I said I would. They took details and are going to email me a statement tonight for me to check over. If all okay they will type it up and bring it round for me to sign tomorrow and they can then pass that up where they will make a visit to the owner and decide whether any action needs to be taken. It may involve taking the dog from them to be rehomed. Fingers crossed.
Well done. Bravo.

Are you really on a mission to kill every dog other than your own?
Well done. Bravo.

Are you really on a mission to kill every dog other than your own?
What do you suggest - do nothing and hope that the next time it gets out there’s not a toddler being walked by their mum or a small kid on a scooter? My next door neighbour but one was circled by this dog some time ago when she had her grandchild in a push chair. She felt terrified. It’s the owner that needs sorting out.

Perhaps you'd be happy if your grandchildren were in the street playing when this dog next gets out but I wouldn't be and don’t give me any of your old crap about your dog being particularly well trained.
They’ve just been round. Told me there’s not a lot they can do about it until something bad has happened. I told them that I thought it was an offence if someone felt threatened by a dog. They asked if I felt threatened and if so, would I make a statement to that effect and I said I would. They took details and are going to email me a statement tonight for me to check over. If all okay they will type it up and bring it round for me to sign tomorrow and they can then pass that up where they will make a visit to the owner and decide whether any action needs to be taken. It may involve taking the dog from them to be rehomed. Fingers crossed.
Good on you for making a fuss about it

It’s very brave to fend off a GSD - they are very fierce looking dogs with huge incisors.

If it had been me I would’ve had to have a go, I couldn’t stand by and let a small dog get ripped apart……I’d be pretty scared of tackling a large bullyXL or pit bull, but I’d give it a go. Not sure if there was more than one.
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