So, is it case of no alternative, or are the masses that vote them in, worthy of the contempt they get treated with.
So, is it case of no alternative, or are the masses that vote them in, worthy of the contempt they get treated with.
Murdoch is pushing for Gove.
Well, the Government makes the rules.No one defends large corporations avoiding tax, it's just we can change the govenment, but not the HMRC bosses who seem to be a law unto themselves.
When will people realise that the tax system is purposely designed so that the wealthy CAN do these things
wrongNo one defends large corporations avoiding tax, it's just we can change the govenment, but not the HMRC bosses who seem to be a law unto themselves.
It's all Blairs', Merkels', Clintons' fault? No mention of Trump, Bush or Cameron? Incredible rant.What I meant was ...blah, blah, blah.....
It isn't going to get better anytime soon.
You conveniently missed off the Republicans and Conservatives in all of this neo liberalism. Was that simply an oversight?
It will be interesting to compare TM's report, (due out anytime now "Theresa May vows to act on race review findings" see below), with vinty's comment about US society. We already know that discrimination and prejudice in US is worse and more institutional than in UK. So any findings in TM's report could probably be multiplied for any investigation/findings/report that might be conducted in US.In America the white working class has been sold out by the likes of the Clinton's who described them as baskets of deplorables, all this has led to the situation we have today.
Theresa May vows to act on race review findings
Theresa May will promise to confront "uncomfortable truths" exposed by a review into the way people from ethnic minorities are treated in Britain.
Also missed off atrocities committed by Fidel Castro, somebody admired by you know who, the man that claims to be centre ground, but is actually sonebody that at heart believes the socialist model.
It makes the laws and regulations which HMRC is obliged to enforce.
Yes they have, as you well know.o you are telling me that the government has passed a law which says people should be taxed for company vehicles taken home
There are exceptions for company vehicles that allow only private mileage to be charged for, as I'm sure you also know. And this is how they were originaly taxed, so why the change of attitide on the HMRCs part. In being taxed for a company vehicle, you have the right to choose the vehicle you want, and then take the hit on the tax, but the rapid response vehicles have to be of a high specification, so they are now being charged for a situation that they have no control over.And you are saying that the government should have included exceptions for people such as police officers, but didn't.
Now where did I say (please show examples) that I was complaining about the law. I've tried to show you that it's the HMRCs interpretation of the law that is the issue, and if you weren't so bent on demonising bilionaires that evade tax, you would possibly see what I was getting at.Who is responsible for the law that you are complaining about