When will it stop?

Alright, if you are saying it is not the case, and is merely the result of the availability of guns, then why are British nutters too lazy to get a gun?
Or, how is Britain more successful in suppressing them?

Of course, it depends on what you call a nutter.
I would include religious zealots, far more prevelant in the USA and elsewhere, who kill people for disagreeing with them.

What is the evidence that Britain DOES have as many violent nutters as the USA?
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I'll start from the assumption that the populations of all countries have evolved into Home Sapiens and carry similar DNA.

They have all evolved into social animals capable of aggression, but genetically predisposed not to kill their own kind with their bare hands.

If you tell me "swedes have evolved to be good singers" or "northerners have evolved to be glum" I will not believe you without evidence.

If you tell me "in country A, chocolate cakes are very widely available, and people eat a lot of them" and "in country B, chocolate cakes are strictly rationed and people eat few of them" I will start out by believing that it is availability, not national genetic differences, that make the difference, until I see convincing evidence of the contrary.

Now substitute "guns" and "shoot" for "chocolate cake" and "eat."
I would suggest the relationship American society has with guns is logically the problem.

Its hard to imagine that there are a different percentage of Americans with those kind of issues to elsewhere.

It is probable the the US gun culture could help cultivate these lone wolf mass shootings.

However there is an important other point; mass shootings are only responsible for a minority of overall deaths in the US.

You dont need to be mad to kill somebody with a gun, Im sure lots of deaths are caused when under influence of drugs, alcohol, anger, gang culture etc.

This is a country when following the Sandy Hook shootings, there was an argument that more people should be armed to reduce gun deaths.......
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i’m not necessarily disagreeing, but i think there is still a bit of a wild west mentality and the need for home invasion protection, topped off by religious righteousness that has a major part to play.

Spend any time in houston for example and you will see a big hunting and gun culture topped off with very simple views of right, wrong and consequences.

If nutcases want to kill, they’ll find what they need in their local sally beauty suppliers.
I'll start from the assumption that the populations of all countries have evolved into Home Sapiens and carry similar DNA.
That is obviously true - but could be a fundamental flaw or there must be something else involved.
I presume, therefore, you are disregarding nurture - and indeed some nature.

Do you think that rejection of nutter-like religious beliefs is because of more, less or the same evolution; more, less or the same intelligence; more, less or the same brutal regime - or a different starting point?

They have all evolved into social animals capable of aggression, but genetically predisposed not to kill their own kind with their bare hands.
Is that true? All?

If you tell me "swedes have evolved to be good singers" or "northerners have evolved to be glum" I will not believe you without evidence.
Abba and Les Dawson.

If you tell me "in country A, chocolate cakes are very widely available, and people eat a lot of them" and "in country B, chocolate cakes are strictly rationed and people eat few of them" I will start out by believing that it is availability, not national genetic differences, that make the difference, until I see convincing evidence of the contrary.
Invalid comparison disregarding the fact that where chocolate cakes are strictly rationed, the people will eat something else - not go without.

Now substitute "guns" and "shoot" for "chocolate cake" and "eat."
yes the chocolate cake analogy serves only to say that people with easy access to guns will own and shoot them. Not that they will become murdering psychos.
If nutcases want to kill, they’ll find what they need in their local sally beauty suppliers.
Do you reckon the fact that this particular white terrorist could launch his attack from the well thought out vantage point, i.e. the sanctity of an elevated and distanced hotel room, had a lot to do with his not using something he could buy in a beauty suppliers?

This particular terrorist has given all the other nutters a great idea.
If nutcases want to kill, they’ll find what they need in their local sally beauty suppliers.
The most violent nutter would find it hard work to kill many people with a pair of curling tongs. Firearms have been developed, improved and engineered to make it easier, quicker and more certain to kill.

All animals (not just humans) are genetically predisposed not to kill their own kind. It is psychologically easier to do it from a distance, with a missile weapon, or where you are otherwise removed from the consequences of your actions; or when you can convince yourself that your victims are "different" by virtue of race, colour, ethnicity, nationality, religion, language, or by living in a different sort of house.
All animals (not just humans) are genetically predisposed not to kill their own kind.
I believe the snow leopard is on the verge of becoming extinct.

Not helped by, like other wild cats, males killing each other and eating other males' cubs.
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I wont stop until the US government accept they need to overcome the gun lobby.

In round figures 30,000 people die every year in US from guns, of which 20,000 are suicides.

lol banning guns won't stop suicides, people will just find another way to kill themselves.
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