Don't touch a bank, far more expensive than a high street solicitor. The co-op is the exception as they offer a support service as well as a full executor service...... and so can a Bank!
Don't touch a bank, far more expensive than a high street solicitor. The co-op is the exception as they offer a support service as well as a full executor service...... and so can a Bank!
Lol, your average Joe doesn't understand a survivorship clause, as Chris Tarant said the questions are easy when you know the answers.Nothing complex about that - standard survival clause.
Distribution of Residue
To receive any gift or property under this Will a beneficiary must survive me for thirty (30) days...
Then you have a wipeout clause to cater for the scenario, that everyone you left a share to dies.
It really is the most simple thing to deal with in law. It only gets complex when you have trusts or people with disabilities and benefits.
Simple - what's left is divided up amongst them. For that option a will isn't needed.What do your kids get?
..... and so can a Bank!
Better get round to a will sometime I suppose.
Assuming she survives me, wifey gets it, which is fairly simple. If we go together then it doesn't matter.
Gov gets almost 40% anyway.
The cat's 20, so he won't need much for long.
I have a brother but he's also ok, and lives well within his means so doesn't need money. I hardly see him.
A uncle died intestate and I was executor. I remember waiting a while for things but a will wouldn't have made much difference.
Passwords will be more of a problem.
Now someone will correct me I expect.
Dork knows everything mind. I know this, because he regularly tells everyone.That rather depends on what your will says
Yeah, they do. I can do sums.government doesn’t get almost 40%
40% only kicks in above certain values, meaning below those values it’s tax free
Oxymoron alert.
Please stop making it up as you go along. You don't know what you don't know & this is why we employ professionals. OK, I know that for lots of folk it doesn't matter where it all goes, 'cos when you dead you dead & nothing much will matter to you anymore. If you have not much to leave as your legacy then you probably don't care much for where it all goes.
I would certainly roll in my grave & I would certainly try my bestest to break out as a zombie if the current Mrs. Lards offspring inherited any of my lifes work.
Irrelevant.If you have not much to leave
I don’t have much to leave; two up two down terrace.