Which camp are you in?

So why do you believe that climate change isn't man-made? Why are scientists lying about climate change but not about the beginning of the universe? It's YOU that is the strange one. Do you believe in science or not? If you do - then why do you disbelieve in climate change? You are pretty odd mate.
Because they are still looking.
As yet none of them knows.
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We are told that 90 - 95% of scientists believe climate-change is man-made.
Is that 90-95% of all scientists? (in which case it would be hard to believe that every scientist is suddenly an expert in climate matters);
or is it 90-95% of those scientists who are given generous funding to go out and 'prove' that climate change is man-made?
So why do you believe that climate change isn't man-made? Why are scientists lying about climate change but not about the beginning of the universe? It's YOU that is the strange one. Do you believe in science or not? If you do - then why do you disbelieve in climate change? You are pretty odd mate.

I've already said why I disbelieve the scientists on climate change. Money, that's why. Governments pay them millions per year to try and prove it. If they disprove it, the money stops. They are still trying to prove it (that's why they're only 95% certain and why they will never be 100% certain)
I've never proffered any views on the beginning of the universe. I don't know what was there before the beginning, (like everyone). For all I know, the universe might be cyclical in it's nature and eventually collapse in on itself until another big bang. Perhaps there are multiple universes (like bubbles in a bottle) Universes we will never know. Maybe there's just the one universe. I can neither prove nor disprove that, the same way science will never prove, or disprove this.
As for being a strange one, it was you who started this thread. Perhaps you haven't got the replies all agreeing with you, so you resort to form. ;)
Now do you believe in science or don't you?

If you do then you must believe in climate change. If you don't - then tell me why you don't.

If you don't believe in science then you must believe in religion.

To be fair Joe that's a very poor argument . I do believe the 95% of scientists that say man is influening the climate, Tony1851 on the other hand believes the 5% who say it's nothing to do with us. Point is we are both believing in the science that is put forward. It doesn't matter who's right but by your argument we must both believe there is no god. Or what if the earth's heating up could be showed to be an act of god to punish us for our sins ( just like he flooded the earth in the bible) then we would have to believe in god and science.
Not saying there's something wrong with your basic argument it's just that you've worded that bit very badly.
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So why do you believe that climate change isn't man-made? Why are scientists lying about climate change but not about the beginning of the universe? It's YOU that is the strange one. Do you believe in science or not? If you do - then why do you disbelieve in climate change? You are pretty odd mate.

I've already said why I disbelieve the scientists on climate change. Money, that's why. Governments pay them millions per year to try and prove it. If they disprove it, the money stops. They are still trying to prove it (that's why they're only 95% certain and why they will never be 100% certain)
I've never proffered any views on the beginning of the universe. I don't know what was there before the beginning, (like everyone). For all I know, the universe might be cyclical in it's nature and eventually collapse in on itself until another big bang. Perhaps there are multiple universes (like bubbles in a bottle) Universes we will never know. Maybe there's just the one universe. I can neither prove nor disprove that, the same way science will never prove, or disprove this.
As for being a strange one, it was you who started this thread. Perhaps you haven't got the replies all agreeing with you, so you resort to form. ;)

Oh God you are conspiracy theorist. I give up, You people are capable of believing absolutely anything. All about money? FFS is that really your best argument? I guess it is. :cry:
Jockscott is right in principal about the climate-change band-wagon, in that it is powered by money.

I'm not so sure, though, that it is a giant conspiracy to levy more taxes. Rather, governments have found themselves pressured into taking up the banner by ill-informed self-appointed experts and pressure groups.
Once this leads to government-imposed taxes, the whole thing develops a momentum of its own and can't then be stopped for political reasons.

Oh, and disregard the recent clap-trap from the IPCC. They are now panicking because many thoughtful people are beginning to doubt the validity of man-made climate change. At this stage, the IPCC are bound to push harder for us all to believe in it, otherwise the members of the panel, and their support staff and hangers-on, would all loose their cushy high-profile jobs and their business-class tickets for 'fact-finding' missions to exotic locations around the world.
In which decade have there been more 'hot' years than any other?
In which decade have there been more 'hot' years than any other?

One swallow doesn't make a summer.

It was extremely hot during the summers of the 1320s, and again in the 1440s, and the 1690s.

You are taking data from a very small time-span and extrapolating it.

Did we not have hot summers here millions of years ago in the carboniferous period?
But statistically we are in the 'cool cycle' so why is the earth warming?
No the ice caps are melting for the fun of it.
No the ice caps are melting for the fun of it.
"This very weekend of September 2013, we were being told back in 2007, would be the moment when the Arctic was “ice-free”. Yet this summer’s ice-melt has been the smallest in seven years, and the global extent of polar sea ice is currently equal to its average over the past 34 years. Tuvalu and the Maldives are not vanishing beneath the waves. Far from hurricanes and tornadoes becoming more frequent and intense, their incidence is lower than it has been for decades. The Himalayan glaciers are not on course to have melted by 2035, as the IPCC’s last report predicted in 2007. Nothing has changed "
As human beings, we seem destined to have to have something to worry about. And if there isn't anything serious to worry about, we'll make something up. This is precisely what c.c. is all about.

Have we forgotten that man was going to be wiped out by Legionaire's disease/SARs/bird flu/AIDS/swine flu/mad-cow disease/Mao flu etc etc.
(and they were all 'experts' who warned us!)
So you've based your knowledge of climate change on just one weekend? I'm gonna have to laff. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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