
There's no fool like an old fool.

One day the penny will drop.

Quote: Softus wrote, "I have no interest in your posts Bolo" (or words to that effect).

Look everybody, he has replied to one of my posts after all! And it wasn't even my idea - it was my 12 year old son who thought it up!

However, now that you have replied, let me just say this. When you first admitted to the misuse of the term 'viz', I immediately realised that there was much less to you than met the eye. Anyone with a complete education and particularly someone who gives the impression that he is au fait in legal matters knows and uses the term 'viz'. You have been rumbled old man! Good bye.
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That's not fair teach, if your going to nit pick somebody for mixing up their who's and whose, will you have a quiet word with tim west for his lack of commas and full stops.
I almost passed out through lack of oxygen when I read his post.
the comma and full stop keys are missing on my keyboard also ;) just for you heres a full stop ---> . ;) just you wait tll playtime ill get you!
That's not fair teach, if your going to nit pick somebody for mixing up their who's and whose...........

I can see where you're coming from anobium, but I can assure you that the person the post was directed at, knows exactly what I mean and it has nothing to do with who's and whose.
chainsaw_masochist said:
Of course not. But a little more time spent on placing a comma here or a semi-colon there might make even a brief point more succinct.

How right you are. So when you wrote

Or if amongst the pleberati, the correct --

did you mean

"Or, if amongst the pleberati, the correct --"? ;) ;) ;)

Well done, Space cat. I was waiting for someone to spot the error. At least someone's paying attention around here. ;)
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Cant recall bickering with Chainsaw? If i did then he was wrong and I was right :D
How about we've for we have, and they've for they have, or you could say you've for you have, and he's for he is, and she's for she is, or ...............
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