Whose fault is the flooding?

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All you have done Arse is show that floodwater will eventually drain away quicker in the Somerset levels if you dredge a river there. And this will work for a very short period of time

Big deal. Forgive me if I don't break out the bunting.

It will not help deal with countrywide major flooding.

Show me any facts, computer models or any articles that show how dredging will help deal with major flooding.

It is clear by your back peddling that you are slowly coming to terms with the fact that your Somerset levels argument is a losing one and a weak one.
dredging is sure the answer, remove all that soil that has accumulated in the rivers, put that soil back on the land, that will raise the land level and lower the river levels and you have solved the problem, simple, doesn't need a super computer to work that out.
dredging is sure the answer, remove all that soil that has accumulated in the rivers, put that soil back on the land, that will raise the land level and lower the river levels and you have solved the problem, simple, doesn't need a super computer to work that out.
You forgot to say "and ask that dredged soil to stay there next time it rains"...
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dredging is sure the answer, remove all that soil that has accumulated in the rivers, put that soil back on the land, that will raise the land level and lower the river levels and you have solved the problem, simple, doesn't need a super computer to work that out.

Its against EU rules.

Show me any facts, computer models or any articles that show how dredging will help deal with major flooding.

Why not read the ones I already posted?

It is clear by your back peddling that you are slowly coming to terms with the fact that your Somerset levels argument is a losing one and a weak one.

Lol, you don't even understand my argument, might want to do that before claiming I am loosing it.
dredging is sure the answer, remove all that soil that has accumulated in the rivers, put that soil back on the land, that will raise the land level and lower the river levels and you have solved the problem, simple, doesn't need a super computer to work that out.

Its against EU rules.
Actually it's not. But it would seem to be prohibitively expensive.
Now I know that I'm a simple man who doesn't know jack all about many things, but if a county is below sea level then how does excess water leave the land and get into the sea?

It would seem to a numpty such as myself that either the water evaporates, or is used by plants for agricultural growth, or is pumped out of some huge sumps. Where are these huge sumps and where are the pumps?
Now I know that I'm a simple man who doesn't know jack all about many things, but if a county is below sea level then how does excess water leave the land and get into the sea?

It would seem to a numpty such as myself that either the water evaporates, or is used by plants for agricultural growth, or is pumped out of some huge sumps. Where are these huge sumps and where are the pumps?

How they manage the flood waters on the fens http://ousewasheslps.wordpress.com/2013/08/01/the-john-martin-sluice-at-welmore-lake/
Councils are set to press ahead with more building on flood plain areas.
Some of them under seven feet of water at the moment.
No doubt the plebs will be lining up to buy and rent them. :LOL: And then looking for someone to blame when its submerged under several feet off water. :LOL:
Show me any facts, computer models or any articles that show how dredging will help deal with major flooding.

Why not read the ones I already posted?

It is clear by your back peddling that you are slowly coming to terms with the fact that your Somerset levels argument is a losing one and a weak one.

Lol, you don't even understand my argument, might want to do that before claiming I am loosing it.
Keep on back peddling ArsE you are getting better at it. You may want to join a circus!

Am I meant to add a puerile "lol" now just so I can look smug?
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