Why all the fuss about Keys and Gray?

Personally I hate all forms of discrimination, I'm not offended by what he said though.

I don't see why people really have to be bigotted and have to make judgments on someones gender, race, religion or sexuality. At the end of the day were all human. And if it weren't for women none of us would be here and like wise for us men.

And to be quite frank, I quite like seeing good looking women running up and down pitches, makes a change from seeing the rest of the 22 drama queens running and falling over on the pitch! And yes I like football and I even watch the ladies FA Cup and some of the girls who play are fairly attractive. And Sian Massey ain't bad looking too!
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After years of extensive research, scientists have today revealed what makes women happy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Nothing.!!! ;) ;) ;)
I don't see why people really have to be bigotted and have to make judgments on someones gender, race, religion or sexuality.

I quite like seeing good looking women running up and down pitches,
makes a change from seeing the rest of the 22 queens
I even watch the ladies FA Cup and some of the girls who play are fairly attractive. And Sian Massey ain't bad looking too!

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The funniest thing about hearing their sexual innuendo about these women is that what woman in their right mind would f#&k either of the 2 ugly c$&ts

They had to shave richard keys hands because they looked so awful in high definition

and Andy Gray looks like a huge ancient bloated baby
It was a private conversation - not the views he expressed on air. Personally I dislike Andy Gray, and think he had nowhere to go after making those comments. He shouldn't have been sacked though, he should have left.
It was set up; Grey needed to be sacked because his face didn't fit with the new look. It wasn't too difficult to do with connivance from the management.
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