Why are general discussions being deleted?

.....to go back to the original topic..........why am i still being deleted????......all i posted on the new guys thread, was a bulls**t detector!!!....and it got deleted straight away!!!!!!!!!!!.....
Well... to play devils advocate, did you have to write that? That thread involves a new member, is/was your comment appropriate considering he is a new member?
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.....to go back to the original topic..........why am i still being deleted????......all i posted on the new guys thread, was a bulls**t detector!!!....and it got deleted straight away!!!!!!!!!!!.....

He's a guy and guys score bigtime around here. it;s an old boys club, they have to tolerate women around the place but they aren't well liked. :cry:
Does that mean he's a di*k?


Just that we need to consider that new members probably don't know the personalities on here and 'may' take offence at such comments.

We (and Admin), may not like to hear it but we are quite a small 'community' really. And as such we know each other quite well. A new member coming in 'may' be frightened off by our 'humour'.
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I'm a bloke and that's what blokes say.
Diane, do NOT give up on your community!

We are a complex group but for some strange reason we work together. There are 'some' Mods who have an agenda and some that are prudes. There are however others that can see 'banter' for what it is. Unfortunately Mods cannot over rule Mods! Admin can but he can't be everywhere (that's why there's Mods).

In short Diane, don't be disheartened, a forum (any forum), is just like life, there are those that you like and those that you really cannot stand! The trick is to try and ignore the ones you dislike, ignore the Mods who annoy (that really pees them off!), and keep on enjoying your time here. When you're no longer doing that.... then it's time to find a new forum.

I need another Guinness and there's none left in the fridge!!!! That makes me soooooooo angry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil:
To veer off topic..... sorry.

Joe90....(and this is serious as in a previous guise Ive watched your youtube posts, as megawatt challenged you and failed to deliver) as you are a half decent guitar player, can you play Spanish Caravan by the Doors. I cant master it, even after over 5 years of trying. :mad:

Sweet child of mine was somewhat simple in comparison. Caravan is so simple to watch yet so difficult to 'pluck'

A link to those who dont know the song...

Not a great guitar player but he knews his strenghts.
When I first joined here at DIYnot I was frustrated because I tried many different user names and they were all taken.

Eventually, after getting a bit fed up, I picked something bazaar and it was accepted. After a few posts a mod thought my user name was inappropriate and sent me a message to say as much.

I explained how I had come to use 'that name' and said it was never my intention to pick something like ‘that’.

He/she was both understanding and helpful and I have never had a problem with mods or the level of moderation here to date; quite the opposite in fact, to their credit.

I have noticed insults bandied about which are unacceptable on other forums, but then I have also been on a forum where there is no censorship whatsoever and I got ‘flamed’ big time! (Not that it bothered me).

Just my two pennies worth, for what it's worth...
Well the studio recording is way harder than the live version where he was more or less noodling around.
I recognise the middle section but can't think what it is. It's not original. I'm not playing nylon strings at the moment so I can't really give it a try. It would be pretty hard though. I couldn't play it straight off, it would take hours of practice.
Bigtone looking like a future Mod to me. Wadda ya think Joe?

I am not Joe-90..... Well, not in this post anyway!
that reminds me whos turn is it to be accused of being a mod this week

Yup. Big Tone to join Big All, Secure Spark, Thermo and John D (Admin).
Most mods on here are quite 'liberal' in their approach and as said can see banter for what it is. However, there are the odd one or two who fail to see the 'friendliness' behind some of the banter and censor or delete entire threads. Maybe they don't follow the whole thread, (quite a hard task I should imagine if you are modding on a couple of boards at the same time), or they have not grasped the 'personalities' behind some posters.
For example, we have Joe, who can be a downright pain in the rectum at times but can also post an interesting thread and he stands by his beliefs regardless of how much people point out to him that he is wrong. Thats his perogative.
We have Johnmelad502 who posts funnies but can be aggressive if necessary.
We have Blas, yes well, we have Blas. ;) :LOL:
We have the girls/ladies, (whichever title they prefer), who bring the female perspective into a discussion and can take a joke and give some stick.
We have Daneski, who seems to be absent of late.
And we have me. I'll let you all make your own judgement on this one. :LOL:
Then we have the likes of Geraint, Dangermouse, Penfold etc and we are all aware of their views. Bombastic, belligerent, aggressive and downright insulting at times but variety is the spice of life so they say.

Now depending on who is 'modding' at the time some posts will be censored/deleted/locked and some will be allowed to run. So all in all I think it is dependent on who is 'modding' as to if a post will be censured in any way. But my overall opinion is that they are quite sensible most of the time.
Okay. As a relative newbie here I see what's going on.

Carry on DIYnot alpha males and have your fun. While greater fools look on....

Thankfully, there is a reason to come here occasionally because there are many gems to be picked from the turds..

Have fun with my post and mock, to amuse the like-minded...
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