Most mods on here are quite 'liberal' in their approach and as said can see banter for what it is. However, there are the odd one or two who fail to see the 'friendliness' behind some of the banter and censor or delete entire threads. Maybe they don't follow the whole thread, (quite a hard task I should imagine if you are modding on a couple of boards at the same time), or they have not grasped the 'personalities' behind some posters.
For example, we have Joe, who can be a downright pain in the rectum at times but can also post an interesting thread and he stands by his beliefs regardless of how much people point out to him that he is wrong. Thats his perogative.
We have Johnmelad502 who posts funnies but can be aggressive if necessary.
We have Blas, yes well, we have Blas.
We have the girls/ladies, (whichever title they prefer), who bring the female perspective into a discussion and can take a joke and give some stick.
We have Daneski, who seems to be absent of late.
And we have me. I'll let you all make your own judgement on this one.
Then we have the likes of Geraint, Dangermouse, Penfold etc and we are all aware of their views. Bombastic, belligerent, aggressive and downright insulting at times but variety is the spice of life so they say.
Now depending on who is 'modding' at the time some posts will be censored/deleted/locked and some will be allowed to run. So all in all I think it is dependent on who is 'modding' as to if a post will be censured in any way. But my overall opinion is that they are quite sensible most of the time.