So there seems to be a need for an area for people to express their opinion, but their post count doesn't rise, and they are unable to be thanked, and if anything offensive is said, or a members post queried, then the thread is locked, but not deleted, and maybe a poll drawn between the offended, and offender?
THIS is the 'area' to express opinions... it's the General Discussion section.
Yes - but posts are getting deleted from it, re-read the topic title and the post you quoted? And admin are saying no excessive quoting?
Most people that have replied to my post have then gone off-topic, and it clutters the board up, and makes threads 3-4 pages long, full of useless back and fro posts, then the topic comes back on track, whereas by that stage, most threads have been deleted, rightly, as nobody can keep track of what is going on.
I've tested this on other boards, and the result is always the same, I've even posted offensive, and then at the bottom stating this is an experiment, and people ignore that bit, and just carry on, going off on one, ignoring important parts of a thread, skipping bits, then flaming one another, it happens in every forum.
If there is a section, that people don't get rewarding for posting, or get thanked, then they have no other reason other than to add meaningful comment, to let steam off, and there is less name calling, and more meaningful comment. There is a name for this, and eventually the stopper for this is to compare someone to Hitler, and there is no comback from that. I call it the peacock effect. Try to outshine your fellow posters (not you personally), but as stated, excess flaming/porn etc would be banned, and nobody is rewarded with post counts/thanks as this board does.
General Discussion doesn't cover these ideas.