Why does other member's bad behaviour result in me being excluded from the threads?

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always find it strange when excluded from threads some of those you have been in discussion with suddenly stop tagging you in comments like they know straight away that you have been excluded .
This is insane.
Motorbiking accuses posters on here of Jew-hating comments.

I ask motorbiking for any examples of Jew-hating comments, and I'm the one excluded from the thread. And motorbiking is allowed to continue posting. :rolleyes:

It's just so utterly perverse.
Are there any equality courses for moderators? Or is the two tier moderating going to continue?
This is getting very silly.
Recently I've been excluded from threads for other's bad behaviour.
For instance, there was Justin Passing's persistent abuse, with not a shred of evidence to support his assertion, and each time I stated the truth, and repeatedly presented the proof.
Yet I was excluded from the thread. It's perverse.
Now, yesterday evening, motorbiking and fillyboy made several false allegations of anti-Semitism. I repeatedly asked them for examples. Fillyboy responded wit vulgar expletives.
And I have been excluded from the thread. :rolleyes:
It's utterly inexplicable, unfair and smacks of preferential treatment, two tier moderation. :rolleyes: Protecting the usual culprits from their own abusive nature. :rolleyes:
It's just ridiculous, the usual posters persistently make abusive comments, or false allegations, and I'm excluded from the thread.

I very much doubt if that would work in reverse. Maybe I'll try it. I'll try being extremely abusive, vulgar and making repeated false allegations, and we'll see if the subject of that abuse is excluded from the thread. :rolleyes:
Maybe you come across as a massive Troll to the mods ?

I don’t think you do…. maybe the watchers do.

Or you’re just unlucky!
This is insane.
Motorbiking accuses posters on here of Jew-hating comments.
View attachment 356063

I ask motorbiking for any examples of Jew-hating comments, and I'm the one excluded from the thread. And motorbiking is allowed to continue posting. :rolleyes:
View attachment 356064

It's just so utterly perverse.
Are there any equality courses for moderators? Or is the two tier moderating going to continue?

You’re one of them, in your previous incarnation you even posted support for proscribed terrorist organisations.

You also post a lot of misinformed boll@x, which is why I rarely respond to your posts.
You’re one of them, in your previous incarnation you even posted support for proscribed terrorist organisations.
But you didn't refer to any specific individuals. You referred to posts "a few weeks ago"

I've been posting now for over 10 weeks, I'd say that covers "a few weeks". So be specific, and present some examples to justify your false allegations.
When I asked you for examples to support your allegations of Jew-hating comments, I was excluded from the thread, very convenient for you to ignore the request, what?
Without any evidence, your allegations are demonstrably outrageous and mendacious.

You also post a lot of misinformed boll@x, which is why I rarely respond to your posts.
You either rarely respond to my comments because I scrutinise your posts, and invariably prove your claims to be nonsense and ill-informed.
Or you come out with the old trope, "Read the Act", etc., when reading the Act and quoting parts of it, also proves your claims to be false.
And on other occasions I am mysteriously prevented from posting any further in the relevant thread.
I'd also say, that if that is the reason for excluding me from threads, it's a gross abuse of moderator's authority.
And your willingness to resort to abuse is noted:
You also post a lot of misinformed boll@x,
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