Why is Badenough not speaking the truth?

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I see you haven’t posted the correct data. Again.

It’s funny how those who want to distort the data post screen shots and those who have no agenda post links.

Get angry if you like boyo. But better for everyone if you try to educate yourself, or not.

I’ll keep calling out your BS.

You’ll find all the links to the appropriate reports here

It's really ironic that the research you're referring to is not linked in that article.
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Nwgs2 is making stuff up again.

As Tom Jones once said…….
I’m not, on my life.

Odds knows for a fact he’s pm’d me. I even posted a gentle reminder not to in the GD as my old user name.

Guess what, he still sent more pm’s.

I’ve said my bit now.
I’m not, on my life.

Odds knows for a fact he’s pm’d me. I even posted a gentle reminder not to in the GD as my old user name.

Guess what, he still sent more pm’s.

I’ve said my bit now.
last time was a chat about pub walks, if i recall - did you watch the Bill Bailey series?
your trouble is you can't carry on a civil conversation.
Did you watch the series or not?
You’re diverting and it’s obvious.

Do you remember the first pm/s you sent me and the contents?

Or in fact let’s take it from bill bailey, you pm about him etc. then call me racist etc without any evidence, repeatedly.

I’d call that two faced and sly.

Thank you.
You’re diverting and it’s obvious.

Do you remember the first pm/s you sent me and the contents?

Or in fact let’s take it from bill bailey, you pm about him etc. then call me racist etc without any evidence, repeatedly.

I’d call that two faced and sly.

Thank you.
I didn't p.m about B.B, the convo wandered that way after you posted pictures of the area where you walk the dog.
Have i really called you racist - show me the posts.
I didn't p.m about B.B, the convo wandered that way after you posted pictures of the area where you walk the dog.
Have i really called you racist - show me the posts.
That was the last conversation. You pm’d about me getting baned, mods and Roy bloom.

Don’t pretend otherwise.
You say you "condemn both sides", yet you disparage or disregard anything said about Israeli conduct in Gaza or on the West Bank, then 'like' anything said in support of Netanyahu's far-right government. Your perspective is trammelled with a permenent blind spot in one eye...not surprising considering your well known views towards Moslems.

I didn't p.m about B.B, the convo wandered that way after you posted pictures of the area where you walk the dog.
Have i really called you racist - show me the posts.
One of many.

If I’m bored later I’ll dig the rest out for you.
Why has Badenoch not explained why she didn’t campaign to implement the 2022 report when she was in govt?
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