Will Trump deliver what he has promised?

Notch, slow down, think about it.

Sue Gray.

Elon Musk.

Think about it, come back and give us your thoughts.
You should put some thinking in too.

Simply, why do you think musk spent so much of his own money supporting Trump? Tell me it's because he has the countries interest at his heart.

He bought his position. Why ?
Skim reading this thread, sounds like the Donald is doing OK, that will carry on, Elon is a genius appointment.

The best two tier Kier could come up with is Sue Gray, **** me, that went well.
It's funny to see the Trump apologists criticise the PM as if he was the devil incarnate. Trump is a "grab em by the p***y" convicted felon and rapist while Sir Keir is only carrying out his manifesto pledges. Hmm, it's a difficult one...
You should put some thinking in too.

Simply, why do you think musk spent so much of his own money supporting Trump? Tell me it's because he has the countries interest at his heart.

He bought his position. Why ?
Fillyboy is a MAGA, these people don’t have critical thought Trump tells them he is on their side and they believe it.

Musk knows the way to increase his power and wealth is through the corruption of politics.
"Michael T. Snyder is an American evangelical Christian crank, wannabe conservative politician, hardcore Donald Trump aficionado and far-right conspiracy theorist/QAnon supporter. Snyder has authored numerous blogs as a testament to his raging insane belief that the world is about to end. He started with The Economic Collapse Blog in 2007, with constant fear-mongering articles stating how the world is going to hell every single day since the economic meltdown started in 2007. It seems as though Snyder blames the government for every ill in the world because without it everything would be great."


Gas112 the clueless MAGA links to propaganda BS

Sure there have been businesses fail…..poor gas112 is suffering cognitive decline and has forgotten about the global pandemic resulting in global inflation

However Bidens policies made America have the fastest growth, the fastest recovery globally and inflation is now down to 2.6% despite continuing strong growth

New U.S. Department of the Treasury Analysis Shows Growth of Small Business and Entrepreneurship During the Biden-Harris Administration

Biden hits new milestone before leaving office: 20 million small business applications​

Poor gas112 wrong again
pmsl the cult of denso and notch that blamed the tories for everything but poor old sleepy joe record debt and bankruptcies is down to a global pandemic 4 years ago
Teflon Don slayed Biden in the debate and absolutely trounced cackling kamala at the ballot box . She is still running for cover from the fallout . Sleepy joe pishing himself ( in more ways than one ) about shafting Pelosi and Obama