The major problem with Windows 10 is that an Administrator is not a REAL Administrator .
Another major problem with Win10 is the damn updates. You can set it to notify you when updates need installing, but I don't think there's any way to actually stop the updates downloading in the background. Win 10 also doesn't always install updates for drivers the way the manufacturers would like them installed. Only last night Win 10 told me it had downloaded new drivers for my Nvidia graphics card. I stupidly allowed Win10 to install the drivers. After the installation, I got the notice "Windows needs to restart for the update to take effect." Re-started my computer only to be met with a totally black screen straight after login. After chucking the missus off her computer and doing a bit of research, I thought I'd do a system restore, but re-starting my computer met with the same black screen. Re-started in safe mode (what a bloody palaver, you have to use the command line to reach the program that makes it start in safe mode) Once safe mode was selected, it asks for your password.. Ahh, not the numeric password you set, but the password for your Microsoft account (yep you'll have to remember it, and it's no good if you've forgotten it, Microsoft can't give it you as they don't have access to it (or so they reckon) ). All in all a horrific experience. Microsoft Tech help (online) only want you to phone their help number.
Luckily I remembered my password and managed to restore to an earlier time, then I installed the new Nvidia driver using Nvidia's own installer and now all is working again.