Hello Dagoof,
I have gone back a few posts in a brief attempt to uncover what might be better for you as far as the security system is concerned. You mention the difficulty in reaching windows by a potential intruder. I am not saying that no one would ever attempt to reach them, but they appear of good quality and some of the more determined thieves would probably give your home a miss on this account:-
Freidland asked researchers to carry out a study of released habitual burglars and the results of the survey, I'm not going into all of it, were that 80% of burglars would not attempt to enter a property which had any signs of a security system, whether professionally installed or otherwise. They would simply move on. It's worth noting this when deciding on your choice of system which need not cost the earth if cash is tight.
A trade installer of the old school still relies heavily on a hardwired system, I am one of them. Although wireless has come on leaps and bounds both in the trade and diy worlds, this was not always the case. Some years ago it may be fair to say that wireless systems were not near as reliable as they are today, hence our leaning towards 'hard wire'. I should imagine that we all do our fair share of installing trade wireless these days, but we are not 'knocking' the diy market (I mentioned that the Yale Premium looked a good deal in a earlier post).
The other thing worth noting is a quote from one of my old friends. He had sold some trade equipment to a chap who wanted to 'have a go' himself. When asked why he had done this, his reply was "... if someone is intent on installing their own system there is nothing I can do about it and there is nothing I want to do about it...". The fact that Yale systems are selling like 'hot cakes' doesn't have any effect on trade installers.
Finally, well, for this post anyway. I shouldn't be overbothered about comments regarding one particular brand of control panel being susceptible to 'spikes'. Virtually every hard wired system may become so at some time or another. By the way, Scantronic gear, both wired and wireless is amongst my most favoured of manufacturers.
Well, you've read the posts, all interesting with valuable comments (with the exception of one 'spoiler' whom the Moderators sorted 'a bit rapid'). I guess it's up to you now, to have a think about it and make your own decision based on some very professional posts indeed.
Let us know how you get on.
Best Wishes,
Chain Daisy.