Wireless router

Is it a Lexmark/Dell printer ?

And personally I wouldn't use McAfee at all. I can't stand it. What specific issues are you having with it ?

Oh, and if you have had XP lying around for years make sure you download SP3 and other updates.

EDIT: I assume you are using XP drivers for the printer not an old '98 install disk ?
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on balance I have decided to install the XP
Not the best decision you'll ever make. :(

XP Home? Pro?

Fresh install? Upgrade?

SP1? SP2?

Did you install a NIC?

...and went ahead with some help locally.
Help locally? What in the blue blazes does this mean?

The crunch came only when I wanted to use the Router which was compatible only with win XP
Nonsense. You've ignored the advice given here, and whatever local help you've enlisted has been useless.

...as my daughter had bought a computer and she needed to go online for some educational needs.
Nothing in Windows 98 would stop her going online.

So far I came across with an annoying problem with the printer. I have to start the 'Printing spool' everytime I off the comp. and restart, together with installing the McAfee anti virus software.
Please advise me on the best way to over come these problems.
Instead of battling with this old machine, you should buy something like a minimum spec Dell Vostro for around £200, which will have a NIC and XP pre-installed (avoid Vista like the pox-ridden vermin scuttling out of your toilet pan that it truly is).
It was pretty obvious that most of his last post was factually incorrect , but he's done it now, so its a bit late.

I assume the 'local help' is a mate 'who knows a bit about computers'. I used to encounter them all the time :confused:

Answer the questions Curiosity and we'll try to make the best of a bad job
install xp operating system it will solve out your problem.
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install xp operating system it will solve out your problem.

Congrats John. You have proved that you don't have to read a thread to answer it :rolleyes: