Hello, was thinking this would be straightforward.
Three months back my electrician installed a new fused spur in the attic, going into a double socket (pictured) into which I've got two Herschel infrared heaters plugged in. Heaters are on the ceiling of the bedroom underneath. Now I want to replace the Herschel wireless thermostat I've been using because it's rubbish frankly - set desired temp to 20c, it only switches on at 19.0c, off at 21.0c, even though it measures in 0.5c increments.
I've got a Salus RT510RF which can switch on off in +/- 0.5c or +/- 0.25c. I thought it would be a simple job for me to put install the receiver before the socket, so it switches the socket on and off. But I'm not sure about the wiring. The spur socket and heaters all have an earth but not the Salus receiver, and nowhere to 'park' earth either.
So would I run L and N from the receiver, then have output to the socket at NO and COM, and sleeve the earth wire from the spur directly into the socket?
Back of receiver pictured and this is the wiring diagram pic I have, https://thumbsnap.com/JUA3ltS8
Three months back my electrician installed a new fused spur in the attic, going into a double socket (pictured) into which I've got two Herschel infrared heaters plugged in. Heaters are on the ceiling of the bedroom underneath. Now I want to replace the Herschel wireless thermostat I've been using because it's rubbish frankly - set desired temp to 20c, it only switches on at 19.0c, off at 21.0c, even though it measures in 0.5c increments.
I've got a Salus RT510RF which can switch on off in +/- 0.5c or +/- 0.25c. I thought it would be a simple job for me to put install the receiver before the socket, so it switches the socket on and off. But I'm not sure about the wiring. The spur socket and heaters all have an earth but not the Salus receiver, and nowhere to 'park' earth either.
So would I run L and N from the receiver, then have output to the socket at NO and COM, and sleeve the earth wire from the spur directly into the socket?
Back of receiver pictured and this is the wiring diagram pic I have, https://thumbsnap.com/JUA3ltS8