The general rule I've read is that providing the infrared heaters aren't under-spec'd they should be 'on' one third of the time Requirements for the whole house is slightly less Kwh than total CH radiator capacity, so taking that and multiplying by 0.33 for six hours a day gives a consumption about 1/4 Kwh compared to gas, making the cost about the same. Also there should be some savings because I can control each room individually - switch off heaters in unoccupied rooms etc. Plus I'd save an annual boiler service of £90 and could disconnect the Gas completely saving £60 a year in standing charges.You do know that the cost of energy from electricity is about four times the cost of energy from gas?
What I'm hoping to find out now is if the room will feel warmer with a better thermostat, or if the Herschel heaters aren't up to scratch - or if the whole infrared thing is really just marketing.
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