Worcester Acid Attack

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So 4 guys involved in an acid attack on a 3 years old?

Shocking, you would expect if 1 of them brought up the subject, the other 3 (no matter how stupid) would talk some sence into the dick.

Exactly right.
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Well done Ian.

The question appeared to be too difficult for Bodd and DP.

They don't seem to realise somebody else writes them.

I have a life you no. You still not got back to me with that Q I asked the other day.
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I said

Just for illustration purposes

So if I was talking about people in Pakistan on your method of thinking it's OK to refer to them all as Dumb Pakis ??

Ah. The thread was locked.

You misread.

I said that calling them dumb Americans was not racist because America is a country and Americans are lots of different races.

I then said (being mischeavous) that some of them may even be semitic - critcism of which seems to be a modern taboo - so you may indeed be (wrongly) called racisit because of this.
I then pointed out that these Semitic people may be either Jewish or Muslim which actually (although everyone is afraid of saying so) negates the claim of racism when it is only aimed at Jews - as you say, a religion.

Thank you for being interested.
I said

Just for illustration purposes

So if I was talking about people in Pakistan on your method of thinking it's OK to refer to them all as Dumb Pakis ??
That is not considered alright today for various illogical reasons.
You have been sucked in by the modern unthinking reasoning where racists using a word makes that word racist in itself.
A bit like queerbashing makes queer a taboo word.

If you search the forum, I have long stated that it is indeed illogical because that is THE name of their country - "stan" meaning "land".
This is the equivalent of "Scot" which I do not think is yet considered racist - either used with dumb or not - even when shouted by a black person.
So 'Dumb Yanks'.....not racist, only fact :ROFLMAO:

Make America great again :idea:
But you still have not answered the question.
Why is Dumb yanks ok
But Dumb Pakis not acceptable.
The above was for illustration purposes only and may not be used in anger
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