Word of the week..

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But the purists today aren't even insisting on preserving electrocute for executions, in spite of its etymology;
That's a good point but perhaps justifiable because the result is the same.

You haven't answered my question about why execute also doesn't mean just meaning to injure.
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In biology, a hermaphrodite is an organism that has complete or partial reproductive organs and produces gametes normally associated with both male and female sexes. Many taxonomic groups of animals do not have separate sexes

In biology, a hermaphrodite is an organism that has complete or partial reproductive organs and produces gametes normally associated with both male and female sexes. Many taxonomic groups of animals do not have separate sexes

How about a gender fluid Hermaphrodite

What pronoun would one use?
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CHERNOBYL....Watched a fascinating documentary last night;how a dome has been constructed and moved on rails to cover the old reactor,with cranes built in,to dismantle the reactor.Incredible to see the engineering challenges they overcame.Biggest structure ever moved on land,apparently.

Firstly, as a Socratic exercise, please provide us with a written, logical explanation of why it was reasonable for you to write "Are you suggesting that DP is a Hermaphrodite" in reply to this:

You haven't answered my question about why execute also doesn't mean just meaning to injure.
He won't.

When facts and reality collide with his fantasies and delusions, dp runs away.
Hermes and Aphrodite...originators of the dual sex organism name...they were both mythodogical greek god/goddess

A rough estimate of the number of hermaphroditic animal species is 65,000 (wikipedia)
that doesnt contain humans as they cant reproduce but only have combined genetalia and mixed chromosome pairs

During early development the gonads of the foetus remain undifferentiated; that is, all foetal genitalia are the same and are phenotypically female.

hence the term "ladies" first...then whatever later on.??!

the labour party seem to favour the term...silly women..probably meaning this phase is followed by silly men
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