Word of the week..

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Do you think it's an admirable characteristic to belittle someone because they happen not to understand a word?
Never in a million years would it have occurred to me that someone wouldn't know that word.

Assuming someone does know something rather than assuming that they don't is hardly belittling them...
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Do you know what winds me up???
Did someone give you a unicorn eraser?


Correct your mistakes with the eraser top shaped like a unicorn...

Simply turn the knob to wind-up this unicorn and watch as the little white feet stomp around.

No, but saying this IS belittling them:


No - you just don't get it. All of those were because I was so utterly gobsmacked at the thought that someone would not know that word.

From my POV that word was just as well known as "bread", or "water", or "air".

This is absolutely true:

Never in a million years would it have occurred to me that someone wouldn't know that word.

If someone told you that they had to go and look up "water" because they didn't know what it meant, would your reaction not be "you must be having a laugh"?

I absolutely could not conceive that anybody would not know what "incontrovertible" meant.

So basically you are accusing me of belittling people by means of assuming they knew more than they did, not less.

Way to go.
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