Would you buy a used hospital bed for your home?

Is it just me or is this really odd........ next thing he will be upgrading to sleeping in a coffin
It is really odd!
If my other half made me a bed with two, used, hospital beds I would chuck em out immediately! Yuck quite frankly. But then when you've spent time in hospital and seen your mum have to have one in the home, a hospital bed has just too much sadness connected.
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You could have a clipboard hanging from the end and have a chart on how well you slept etc.....
You could have a clipboard hanging from the end and have a chart on how well you slept etc.....

Yep, don't forget you'll also need an observation chart, food and fluid chart, pressure care chart, hourly rounding chart (unless your wife's on an Increased Nursing Supervision chart) Patient care chart, Stool chart (with the Bristol scale) Meds chart, and just about a gazillion more charts as well. You'll need a folder/ file case to keep all these charts together. Yep, you'll spend many a sleepless night (and day) filling in all those.. Ohh , don't forget a board above the head end with her name on it . :LOL::LOL:
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Here you go Dave.


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