Would you disown your child??????????

A young lad we've known since he was 11 has recently told hid father he is gay. His dad asked him "Are you sure? you're not simply experimenting?. J replied, yes and no. The dad said ok that's fine. I think the dad had it just right.

I cant think of any circumstances where I would stop loving my children even if they were to do something i disagreed with, however strongly. You may not like what your child is or does but to stop loving them? not me.
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If I had a son who turned out to be gay I'd be fine with it. Though a little disappointed. I wouldnt hold him back.

However if he turned into a camp poofter like Gon Wak or that tosser from Pineapple, I'd find him incredibly annoying. Theres such a thing as "macho gay" and thats fine with me. I hate the sort that shoves it in your face though, the type that you just look at and know they are gay. Whether I'd disown him though, I dont think so.

I recently found an old school friend on facebook, added him. Not seen him for about 8 years. On looking through his photos its clear that gay is his way, but nobody knew at school. However thinking back, the signs were there. He always was slightly camp.
LMB... can i ask you a direct question... what is your opinion of gay people?

And what would you do if one of your offspring confessed to being gay?

Well....the second question i've already answered Martian.........

As for the first....................
I was brought up by white, hard working, East London parents (many years ago)..... My late father hated gays, but i was brought up with that...

Strangely i didn't share his views in later life.
Live and let live.............. No problem with gay people at all.......Don't like the campness from some ....but ......hey......Let them do what they want really......


So am I homophobic ???????...No.....If that was the question.....????
i've got to say that many of these responses have been almost knee-jerk macho nonsense... with respect to you all...you kids tend to grow up quite close to you, so usually you'll have an idea, that they're not alpha males, and then that they're a bit softer than the other boys in their class etc etc
You talk as thouhg you're sending them to boarding scool and they come back to daddy's building firm as poofters!!!!

More importantly, what would you do if you dear eldest son asked for a sex change for his 16th birthday?

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Look on the bright side, it would be a lot easier to find christmas presents for him lol.

I have no problem with "confussed men" but that could change if my son told me something different
Well....the second question i've already answered Martian.........
Apologies, i didn't fully read your post to the end :oops:
So am I homophobic ???????...No.....If that was the question.....????
My question was "what is your opinion of gay people? " but i'm happy if you feel you've answered it ! i wasn't interrogating you... :)
Yes I would, I would also probably kill it.

Not like on bloody eastender's.

I will not have a TV in my house if I have children as TV is the major influencer, I mean just look around you and you will se how TV is socially conditioning people to all kind's of good and bad thing's mor bad than good I say. :evil:
My question was "what is your opinion of gay people? " but i'm happy if you feel you've answered it !

So you don't feel i have.....?????????

LMB... i don't want to row with you, if that's what you think....
But no, i don't think you answered it.... directly or fully.
I asked what your opinion of gay people was.... you answered by asking yourself if you're a homophobe, and answered yourself no ! well in my book that answers a portion of my question.

You should be a politician with answers like that...

what is your opinion of gay people?
Yes I would, I would also probably kill it.

Not like on bloody eastender's.

I will not have a TV in my house if I have children as TV is the major influencer, I mean just look around you and you will se how TV is socially conditioning people to all kind's of good and bad thing's mor bad than good I say. :evil:

what do you mean?... you'd kill your child? if what? :eek:
Lighten up imamartian there are some fishermen out there with big hooks :LOL:
Lighten up imamartian there are some fishermen out there with big hooks :LOL:

that guys is completely stoned or pssd! And his comments are not really for public consumption... i find it quite distasteful!
Yes I would, I would also probably kill it.

Not like on bloody eastender's.

I will not have a TV in my house if I have children as TV is the major influencer, I mean just look around you and you will se how TV is socially conditioning people to all kind's of good and bad thing's mor bad than good I say. :evil:

"arrogant vermin" your words describe you so well.
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