Wtf is going on?

7 Jul 2010
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Is anyone with the tiniest bit of common sense in charge of anything?

The stupid things should be flat out banned let alone a plod with one on his face.
Too many misshapen butterflies around already.

Anyone with a tattoo on his face has clearly already demonstrated he is not fit for much.
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Saw a traffic cop on one of those Traffic Wars/Police Interceptors type programmes the other night. Had one of those hideous tattoos on one arm that looks like a sleeve down to his wrist. Looked as oafish as the councils estate n'er-do-wells that he was pursuing. Standards are definitely slipping.
The stupid things should be flat out banned let alone a plod with one on his face.
Anyone with a tattoo on his face has clearly already demonstrated he is not fit for much.
It believes a ban on visible tattoos imposed by many forces may hamper the recruitment of promising candidates.
Anyone with a visible tattoo can never be considered as rational for such a job.
Saw a traffic cop on one of those Traffic Wars/Police Interceptors type programmes the other night. Had one of those hideous tattoos on one arm that looks like a sleeve down to his wrist. Looked as oafish as the councils estate n'er-do-wells that he was pursuing. Standards are definitely slipping.
I see the bigoted are out in force as usual.
If you have a tattoo you must be a crim'.
It's amazing how some, like spuey can identify, n'er-do-wells, crim's, gypsies, terrorists, etc, on sight.

Did you ever stop to think, that it might be like the armed services moving with the times and allowing gays to recruit, females to fight, etc?
The RWR are constantly going on about others being stuck in the dark ages. It's obvious that the RWR want to live in the distant past. They refuse to move with the times. They want to peddle their old-fashioned prejudice rather than admit that the world evolves.
It'll just have to evolve without, and in spite of them.
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I had a look seeing as it was my thread subject. No improvement yet, then.

I see the bigoted are out in force as usual.
Bigoted for saying permanently pointlessly disfiguring one's body is stupid.

If you have a tattoo you must be a crim'.
Please show where anyone has mentioned 'crim'.

It's amazing how some, like spuey can identify, n'er-do-wells, crim's, gypsies, terrorists, etc, on sight.
Please show where anyone has mentioned any of those.
Sooey has not posted.
I maintain it shows a lack of intelligence.

Did you ever stop to think, that it might be like the armed services moving with the times and allowing gays to recruit, females to fight, etc?
I did not because it is nothing like any of those; quite the reverse.

The RWR are constantly going on about others being stuck in the dark ages.
I hadn't realised that tattoos were the preserve of the left wing; you do think twaddle.
It's obvious that the RWR want to live in the distant past.
Back in the golden age before tattoos? Idiot.
They refuse to move with the times.
I would hope the times would move to fewer people disfiguring their body.
They want to peddle their old-fashioned prejudice rather than admit that the world evolves.
Total lack of logic and common sense. No wonder you agree with it.
It'll just have to evolve without, and in spite of them.
You carry on getting dafter - if only it were without us.

Chief Inspector Himmy


The stupid things should be flat out banned let alone a plod with one on his face.
Anyone with a tattoo on his face has clearly already demonstrated he is not fit for much.
I had a look seeing as it was my thread subject.
Buffoon. You must have seen it to know I'd posted. If You had me on ignore, you wouldn't have known.
Be honest, sincere, admit it, you never have had me on ignore, you buffoon.
I see the bigoted are out in force as usual.
Bigoted for saying permanently pointlessly disfiguring one's body is stupid.
Think about it.
You might not like or agree with religion, you might not like or agree with liberals, you might not like or agree with gays, you might not like or agree with females, you might not like or agree with children, you might not like or agree with Scots, etc, etc, but you can't sensibly describe them as stupid because you don't like them or agree with them.
You absolutely cannot say that Maoris are stupid or lacking intelligence.

I would hope the times would move to fewer people disfiguring their body.
People will do what they want without your opinion, and if you don't like it......

Tattooing has been practiced across the globe since at least Neolithic times
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Used to be a lady down this way who had a W tattooed on each cheek of her bum every time she bent over it spelt WoW
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Does say in the article that each case will be judged on it's merits, so I think it may not be all that bad.
Seems to me that someone with a small tat on someone who would be a credit to the police will no longer have his or her application dismissed on the tat alone. That seems sensible to me personally!

Buffoon. You must have seen it to know I'd posted. If You had me on ignore, you wouldn't have known.
Be honest, sincere, admit it, you never have had me on ignore, you buffoon.
Try reading this Himmy:
I had a look seeing as it was my thread subject. No improvement yet, then.
Used to be a lady down this way who had a W tattooed on each cheek of her bum every time she bent over it spelt WoW
That'll probably earn you at least four thanks. :rolleyes:
It's a very old joke. Yeah, you know - that thing you don't understand - JOKES.

You're being nasty again Himmy.
Buffoon. You must have seen it to know I'd posted. If You had me on ignore, you wouldn't have known.
Be honest, sincere, admit it, you never have had me on ignore, you buffoon.


Think about it.
You might not like or agree with religion, you might not like or agree with liberals, you might not like or agree with gays, you might not like or agree with females, you might not like or agree with children, you might not like or agree with Scots, etc, etc, but you can't sensibly describe them as stupid because you don't like them or agree with them.
You absolutely cannot say that Maoris are stupid or lacking intelligence.
So, the world has not evolved for a while then.
You don't need to evolve to keep up with them, after all.

People will do what they want without your opinion, and if you don't like it......
That may be true but
should it be allowed for people whom everyone is supposed to respect?

Tattooing has been practiced across the globe since at least Neolithic times
So, the distant past of the RWR was a really long time ago, then, and refusing to move with the times applies to them and not we who find it repulsive.
I had a look seeing as it was my thread subject.
Buffoon. You must have seen it to know I'd posted. If You had me on ignore, you wouldn't have known.
Be honest, sincere, admit it, you never have had me on ignore, you buffoon.
View attachment 104320
I don't think you have to prove anything or justify yourself to Himmy. He just takes every opportunity to try and belittle people because it makes him feel good. Sad innit?
Buffoon. You must have seen it to know I'd posted. If You had me on ignore, you wouldn't have known.
Be honest, sincere, admit it, you never have had me on ignore, you buffoon.
View attachment 104320
We can all do a photoshop job.
This is what it looks looks when I ignore you, I can't see your thread, never mind your posts, additionally, you've managed to see my comments that were not in your thread!

Keep up the photoshopping it looks nearly authentic.
People will do what they want without your opinion, and if you don't like it......
That may be true but
should it be allowed for people whom everyone is supposed to respect?
Respect and bigotry are opposite sides of a similar coin.
If you are prejudiced against someone, it follows that you won't respect them.
I thought you could work that out for yourself.
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