Another tip for YALE alarm installers...
If installing a YALE 6400 system with a number of devices.. say four or five movement sensors for example It is better to set up the system as follows.
Only register one device when initially setting up the system.
I usually do one door contact before going straight on to the siren enrol.
The reason being when you initially put devices into the system at start up you cannot specify either their name or their setting entry/burglar/home.
You have to go into the edit device menu again after start up.
So why bother doing something twice?
After you have done the start up settings it is easier to then go back into programming mode and use the add device option which walks you through each enrol allowing you to select all the parameters as you go and saving the time that would be taken going into edit mode to do exactly the same after already learning them in earlier.
If installing a YALE 6400 system with a number of devices.. say four or five movement sensors for example It is better to set up the system as follows.
Only register one device when initially setting up the system.
I usually do one door contact before going straight on to the siren enrol.
The reason being when you initially put devices into the system at start up you cannot specify either their name or their setting entry/burglar/home.
You have to go into the edit device menu again after start up.
So why bother doing something twice?
After you have done the start up settings it is easier to then go back into programming mode and use the add device option which walks you through each enrol allowing you to select all the parameters as you go and saving the time that would be taken going into edit mode to do exactly the same after already learning them in earlier.