You could not make this s h i t up...

I think you'll find, big-all, that most people from war torn areas will have been 'rescued'/'protected'/'helped' (whatever) by troops whose uniforms then represent security and safety.

Anyone offended by a British Army uniform - in Britain - (bear in mind there may be no such person, just a [I'm not allowed to say it, but] stupid hospital official) is welcome to go elsewhere for their treatment.
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why dont we wait till the facts come through
the story is so vague as to let your thoughts and predigest fill in the gap
maybe its frightening children or people from war torn areas where the uniform reprizents murder rape we simply dont know
and to assume its any one specific group from such incomplete information is simply wrong
So you think that the facts will be made public?
It's my bet that we'll hear no more about it. The powers that be prefer to sweep things like this under the carpet.
What was it Winston said about the RAF? So much owed by so many to so few... What was THAT all for???
I believe that after the Second World War many (most) of the men who fought for our freedom were pretty much treated like $hit when they returned home. The same has happened more recently too for ex-servicemen; the marine sergeant who shot dead one of the enemy, for example.

I sometimes think it would serve certain people right if the whole of the armed forces decided they'd had enough and went on strike. Yes, I know they're not allowed to, but what would they do to them? Firing squads? Who'd do the shooting? Send them all to the glasshouse? Not enough places. This country doesn't deserve armed forces, and they'd be in a pretty sad state without them.

I was in the RAF when I was younger. At that time I was still proud to be British. I certainly wouldn't do it again: this isn't really my country any more.
why dont we wait till the facts come through
the story is so vague as to let your thoughts and predigest fill in the gap
maybe its frightening children or people from war torn areas where the uniform reprizents murder rape we simply dont know
and to assume its any one specific group from such incomplete information is simply wrong
So you think that the facts will be made public?
It's my bet that we'll hear no more about it. The powers that be prefer to sweep things like this under the carpet.
yes quite possibly
but without all the facts you have nothing but someones interpretation off second or third hand information with there added slant
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I think you'll find, big-all, that most people from war torn areas will have been 'rescued'/'protected'/'helped' (whatever) by troops whose uniforms then represent security and safety.

Anyone offended by a British Army uniform - in Britain - (bear in mind there may be no such person, just a [I'm not allowed to say it, but] stupid hospital official) is welcome to go elsewhere for their treatment.
you should not dwell on a ficticious suggestion the chances off the uniform bringing back evil memories are remote but it wasnt an actual suggestion more off a remote idea suggesting that things arnt always as clear cut and as easy to understand as we think as you see i said "perhaps if" a pure random idea
From the BBC

A spokesman for East Kent University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust said: "A member of the armed forces in uniform attended our A&E and was asked by a member of staff if he wanted to sit inside the department rather than the waiting room.

"This employee was acting in good faith because previously, there had been an altercation between a member of the public and a different member of the armed forces in uniform."

The spokesman also said the hospital trust was "absolutely clear that members of Her Majesty's armed forces, whether in uniform or not, should not be treated any differently to any other person".

"We are now making this point clear to all our members of staff and will seek to make sure that this never happens again," he added.

Would they have asked him to move if he'd been a she and was wearing a bhurka?
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maybe its frightening children or people from war torn areas where the uniform reprizents murder rape we simply dont know

It was only an RAF uniform. If immigrants mistake airmen for the Stasi, meeting the Sally Army singing carols in the streets is going to frighten the bejaysus out of them. Oh the irony: militaristic uniform with a strong Christian basis. How long before they have to meet in secret in your wonderful multi-culti Britainistan, Big All?
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What was it Winston said about the RAF? So much owed by so many to so few... What was THAT all for???
I believe that after the Second World War many (most) of the men who fought for our freedom were pretty much treated like $hit when they returned home. The same has happened more recently too for ex-servicemen; the marine sergeant who shot dead one of the enemy, for example.

I sometimes think it would serve certain people right if the whole of the armed forces decided they'd had enough and went on strike. Yes, I know they're not allowed to, but what would they do to them? Firing squads? Who'd do the shooting? Send them all to the glasshouse? Not enough places. This country doesn't deserve armed forces, and they'd be in a pretty sad state without them.

I was in the RAF when I was younger. At that time I was still proud to be British. I certainly wouldn't do it again: this isn't really my country any more.

I do agree that our servicemen deserve respect, and priority NHS treatment for serving troops which I think is current policy is well deserved. But, that marine sergeant in effect executed a prisoner, which is a criminal act. Yes I know it is easy to judge from a distance, but in this case it was clear cut. I thought he deserved imprisonment, but not the long sentence he got.
Yes this was one staff member acting on their own initiative, but it does give the impression that some people think that the problem is with the uniform rather than the low life that objects to it. Maybe if it included a sack over the head, a sharp knife for beheadings, and a rucksack for a bomb, then it'd be okay.
as i say we simply dont know the facts lets wait and see:rolleyes:

Please don't deny me my knee-jerk reaction, Big All. ;)

In a country where the lefties and women seem to direct the way things are going, and the kids are brain washed to deny and feel ashamed of this country's great achievements in the past, this sort of thing will become a regular event and will only get worse with the islamification of Europe by stealth.

The Yanks celebrate and laud their servicemen who are still free to wander around in their uniforms. They get special privileges and discounts from retailers, etc in their country. By contrast, ours are told to hide away and not to wear their uniforms in public. American culture is safe in the hands of Americans. Ours is rapidly being sacrificed on the pyre of political correctness.
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I do agree that our servicemen deserve respect, and priority NHS treatment for serving troops which I think is current policy is well deserved. But, that marine sergeant in effect executed a prisoner, which is a criminal act. Yes I know it is easy to judge from a distance, but in this case it was clear cut. I thought he deserved imprisonment, but not the long sentence he got.
I agree.
Apparently, the terrorist was already dying. Perhaps, on reflection, he should have just left him to die a slow and agonising death.
One report offered the suggestion that the service man in uniform was offered a place in the A&E unit rather than sitting in the waiting area. More a sign of respect for the service man by offering him a bit more comfort than was available in the general waiting area.
Read more reports!

Relatives said hospital workers told them “they didn't want to upset people” and “have lots of different cultures coming in”.

From the independent
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I do agree that our servicemen deserve respect, and priority NHS treatment for serving troops which I think is current policy is well deserved. But, that marine sergeant in effect executed a prisoner, which is a criminal act. Yes I know it is easy to judge from a distance, but in this case it was clear cut. I thought he deserved imprisonment, but not the long sentence he got.

Perhaps he deserved a bullet, a lot of them do. Any ISIS prisoners for instance, to state the obvious example.
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