
Rhodesia used to be referred to as the Bread basket of Africa, nowadays its called the Basket case of Africa.
The white minority did a lot for Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, Ian Smith said that he had in principle no objection to Rhodesian independence but that it had to be a gradual process as the Black population had no tradition of democracy.
Joint rule by the white and black populations could have avoided the catastrophe of Mugabe and his henchmen.
Democratic behaviour isn't a genetic trait which some peoples have and others don't.
It has to be instilled in the mind though education and example.
Had the British not been so eager to decolonise then things could have been a lot different.

Britain was forced to decolonise - Britain needed the manpower of these colonies during the world wars and in return they gave them their independence.

You think Britain de colonised out of their own good nature? :ROFLMAO:

USA says hi.
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Britain was forced to decolonise - Britain needed the manpower of these colonies during the world wars and in return they gave them their independence.

You think Britain de colonised out of their own good nature? :ROFLMAO:

USA says hi.
Who forced the British to decolonise.
The colonies.

It was a long time after the war that Ian Smith "illegally" declared independence for Rhodesia.
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Who forced the British to decolonise.

Read what I wrote again. Britain was in need of resources and they decided it was better than to try maintain the colonies to allow them independence in return for their efforts during the war.

Chyyyna ( as Trump pronounces it ) are very crafty. They offer a service, let's say - build a bridge, and they will loan the country money. But, you MUST use Chinese employees. China ends up making money from the high interest rate.

Not clever. The US could offer better terms or even the IMF. They were too drunk on ideological policies which let China in. If a poor country needs infrastructure and they cannot pay for it or raise finance through bonds - then it doesnt leave them much option. Its a failure of policy on the international level that left a huge vacuum which China filled.
More drivel, boyo. Those with nowt will cease to exist without our foreign aid and the endless food aid sacks of rice from those nasty Americans.

So can you tell me how many billions in food aid the US provides per year?

Take a wild guess as guessing is what you do.
Not clever. The US could offer better terms or even the IMF. They were too drunk on ideological policies which let China in. If a poor country needs infrastructure and they cannot pay for it or raise finance through bonds - then it doesnt leave them much option. Its a failure of policy on the international level that left a huge vacuum which China filled.
Maybe these countries believed that China would give them a better deal.
A lot of African countries are being crippled by exorbitant interest rates levied on them by EU bankers.
Zero interest rates in Europe means European money can be loaned to these African countries at high interest rates.
https://theconversation-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/theconversation.com/amp/african-countries-arent-borrowing-too-much-theyre-paying-too-much-for-debt-131053?amp_js_v=a3&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQFKAGwASA=#aoh=16000963764134&referrer=https://www.google.com&amp_tf=From %1$s&ampshare=https://theconversation.com/african-countries-arent-borrowing-too-much-theyre-paying-too-much-for-debt-131053
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Corrupt governments often do things that are not in their countries' interests, if the rulers think they will gain by it.

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