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Racists do like their weird inferiority complex.

India disagrees.

Its another RW trope that you think history needs to be rewritten or revised.
Is that a Racist or

The redefined term for racist - ie a white person(you can't say of white origin that's appropriation :D) having an opinion differing to one self(racist card holder) about an issue not necessarily reasoned by skin colour but used all the same representing a paradoxical response.

Another micro agression term used (another load of BS born from this BS) is 'Hater'.
People can't dislike a black person for ANY reason they are 'haters'. Disliking whites is reasonable and of course perfectly acceptable in a free speaking society.
Yep, the public were all for it too. Probably you included, Hate.(y)
I think you will find a lot of people, myself included, were against the war. It was the power crazed left wing warmongering government lead by a war criminal that went in looking for those WMD's. Good job they found them or Bliar would have looked a right twunc. What's that? there weren't any! Ooooops.
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I think you will find a lot of people, myself included, were against the war. It was the power crazed left wing warmongering government lead by a war criminal that went in looking for those WMD's. Good job they found them or Bliar would have looked a right twunc. What's that? there weren't any! Ooooops.

Wasting your time it's such a childish football mentality here, if its left there's always an excuse or it's just denied. Theyre' all a bunch of C's. Left right center.
Maybe these countries believed that China would give them a better deal.
A lot of African countries are being crippled by exorbitant interest rates levied on them by EU bankers.
Zero interest rates in Europe means European money can be loaned to these African countries at high interest rates.
https://theconversation-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/theconversation.com/amp/african-countries-arent-borrowing-too-much-theyre-paying-too-much-for-debt-131053?amp_js_v=a3&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQFKAGwASA=#aoh=16000963764134&referrer=https://www.google.com&amp_tf=From %1$s&ampshare=https://theconversation.com/african-countries-arent-borrowing-too-much-theyre-paying-too-much-for-debt-131053

Do you know how bonds are structured and sold? You write a prospectus and then try to get investors to buy in - what matters is the ratings agencies. On top the bonds do not have much restrictions in the way the money is spent unlike infrastructure spending tied to specific projects.

Blaming the EU - lol.
Is that a Racist or

The redefined term for racist - ie a white person(you can't say of white origin that's appropriation :D) having an opinion differing to one self(racist card holder) about an issue not necessarily reasoned by skin colour but used all the same representing a paradoxical response.

Another micro agression term used (another load of BS born from this BS) is 'Hater'.
People can't dislike a black person for ANY reason they are 'haters'. Disliking whites is reasonable and of course perfectly acceptable in a free speaking society.

Festy what are you on about? How you coping with covid and BLM? :D:D:D
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