Zion and the Art of Armageddon

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I wonder how many more Palestinians Israel will slaughter today.

Having destroyed the hospitals, killed doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers, bombed the mortuaries, bulldozed the cemeteries and destroyed the sewage and water supply systems, it will be more than anybody can count.

Polio will make cripples of Palestinian children, that will save the Israeli army the effort and expense of making them legless amputees by shooting them in the knees.
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It's a longstanding Israeli policy.

You might recall BBC news reporters catching the Israeli army on film, systematically breaking Palestinians legs by holding them down and dropping large stones on them.

This is why Israel has a policy of assassinating journalists, to try to prevent their crimes against humanity from getting out.
It's a longstanding Israeli policy.

You might recall BBC news reporters catching the Israeli army on film, systematically breaking Palestinians legs by holding them down and dropping large stones on them.

This is why Israel has a policy of assassinating journalists, to try to prevent their crimes against humanity from getting out.

Israel has killed 165 journalists in Gaza since the beginning of the war, according to the Gaza Government Media Office.

The latest, Ismail al-Ghoul and his companion cameraman, Rami al-Rifi were said by the Zionist dictatorship to be members of Hamas, providing no evidence to substantiate their claim. “Furthermore, the Israeli occupation forces had previously abducted Ismail on March 18, 2024, during their raid on al-Shifa Hospital, detaining him for a period of time before his release, which debunks and refutes their false claim of his affiliation with any organisation,” the network added.

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) and Reporters Without Borders have condemned the killing of al-Ghoul and al-Rifi. “Journalists are civilians and should never be targeted. Israel must explain why two more Al Jazeera journalists have been killed in what appears to be a direct strike,” CPJ CEO Jodie Ginsberg said in a statement on Wednesday.

Allahu Akhbar@Al Jazeera
Gaza was the location of some very important cultural and archaeological sites. The last project we worked on was a Roman-era cemetery. We found, for the first time, coffins made of lead, decorated with vine leaves, from the first century AD. The size and number of the graves indicate that there was a Roman city to the south of the cemetery. This was a very important discovery. Right before the war we were preparing the site for 3D photographic mapping. The site is now destroyed.

A Palestinian archaeologist tells the Guardian how life has changed in Gaza and the cultural destruction wrought by the Zionist Stormtroopers.
Strange that the Israeli policy of assassination goes without condemnation even when carried out in a third country...

Quite rightly there was certainly a lengthy period of condemnation over the russian poisonings in the UK...

Imagine what the reaction would be were bibi to be targeted whilst abroad!
Would the Zionists say he was a war leader and therefore a legitimate target?
Both of Israeli's recent assassination hits are seen as escalations. One because it was in Beirut, the other as it was on Iranian soil. Qatar upset as no point in negotiations if the lead negotiator is wiped out. He was seen as a man that would negotiate. He has his red lines but so do the Israeli. Nothing about the views of other Arab states.

So next question is what will be the none escalatory retaliations be, Pundits are wondering. Blinken seems to think it can be handled diplomatically.

Interesting head to head on AlJ. Benny Morris, well known concerning books on the history of Israel from day one. If it's on the web you'll need a free hour. He's pretty defensive about Israel but not completely so. No such place as Palatine cropped up. A Brit invention. However he did mention the Ottoman empire where it's clear that religeons lived together without problem. So the people existed. Expansionist wars in this era were pretty common. Something the Arabs will have been well aware of. Trying to relate the current rules on this to then is rather pointless but people like him :) and Filly do.
You might recall BBC news reporters catching the Israeli army on film, systematically breaking Palestinians legs by holding them down and dropping large stones on them.

I don't, do you have a link?
Strange that the Israeli policy of assassination goes without condemnation even when carried out in a third country...

Assassination?, more like pest control, and the third country you refer to is paying his wages and giving him a safe haven, although to be fair the safe haven part might not have been too successful.
Gaza was the location of some very important cultural and archaeological sites. The last project we worked on was a Roman-era cemetery. We found, for the first time, coffins made of lead, decorated with vine leaves, from the first century AD. The size and number of the graves indicate that there was a Roman city to the south of the cemetery. This was a very important discovery. Right before the war we were preparing the site for 3D photographic mapping. The site is now destroyed.

A Palestinian archaeologist tells the Guardian how life has changed in Gaza and the cultural destruction wrought by the Zionist Stormtroopers.

That's ancient history.
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