Zion and the Art of Armageddon

That's ancient history.
Like Israel's claims to own Palestine.

Israel's racist destruction of the cultural heritage of Palestine, however, is very much not ancient because it continues daily.
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Where is Palestine?
More accurately where has it gone?

Assassination?, more like pest control,
filly's attitude to Palestinians. :oops:
And he has the audacity to accuse others of racism. :oops:
Yet he demonstrates that he doesn't understand the term racism nor anti-Semitism because he accuses those criticising Israel as Anti-Semitic. :rolleyes:
While the Fascist government of Israel pat themselves on the back and down another bottle of kool-ayd, fooling themselves Hamas will be destroyed during the war on Gaza... the group’s Shura council, the main consultative body, is now expected to meet soon, likely after Haniyeh’s funeral in Qatar, to name a new successor. The council’s membership is kept secret but represents regional chapters of the group in Gaza, the West Bank and diaspora and those imprisoned.

Hani al-Masri, an expert on Palestinian organizations, said a consensus candidate may be named before the Shura is able to convene, with a formal election to be held by the council later. The elections were already delayed this year because of the war. One of Haniyeh’s deputies was Zaher Jabarin, who has been described as the group’s chief executive officer because of the important role he plays in managing the group’s finances, and with that, his good offices with Iran and other backers. A-Masri said the choice is now likely between Khaled Mashaal, another Haniyeh deputy and a former leader of the group, and Khalil al-Hayya, a powerful figure within Hamas who was close to Haniyeh.

Hugh Lovatt, an expert on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with the European Council on Foreign Relations, said Haniyeh’s killing and the faltered cease-fire talks are likely to “strengthen hardliners within the movement and further shift Hamas toward hardline strategies and away from diplomacy and politics.”

Associated Press

Joe Biden may have had a win with the exchange of hostages with Russia this week, but a ceasefire looks even further away at any time since the war began. Faint hopes remain a deal can be reached by the time of the American election but don't hold your breath: Netanyahu has no choice but to see this through to the bitter end.
Same place as the area some people refer to as Palestine. Incidentally, DNA shows that both Jews and Arabs are descendants of the Cananites.
DNA shows that we all share a common ancestry. :rolleyes:
Does that mean I can go and live wherever I want, turf out the current residents, and claim their property as mine. :rolleyes:
DNA shows that both Jews and Arabs are descendants of the Cananites.

filly is skirting round some facts that Zionists prefer to hide.

With the colonising immigrants mostly coming from Europe and the USA, the Jewish population is mainly of European origin.

The Palestinian population is overwhelmingly of North African heritage.

This is very awkward for anybody who claims that the immigrants who have never lived in North Africa, for untold generations, and have predominantly European DNA, have the "right to return" but the dispossessed Arabs, whose families have lived there for thousands of years, do not.

A can of worms for anybody interested in truth and justice, but does not concern Zionists.

Meanwhile, Israel's racist apartheid and genocide continue.
As long as it has no Broadband, you're welcome(y)

Netanyahu is of Polish origin. No doubt if he had enough chums with guns, he would feel entitled to seize Polish land, burn down Polish homes, and kill Polish inhabitants.
Where is Palestine?
A Brit invention. It seems the letter P does not crop up in all languages. Even so the name has little bearing on the races that lived there. The result of that is that it is what was. Mixed.
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